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A summary on the topic of Healing.
Worldly Healer
A title given to a unique form of magic, specializing in frontline medical support. It origin lay at the heart of a problem for its creator, that being the means of which to prevent the undue suffering of those not so blessed with luck.

"Knowledge is simply words on paper. What makes it good or evil are those that use such. To claim something is Taboo is to lack an understanding on the topic."

Such was the defining thought process behind the studies to create this magic. As for those that wield such magic, while they tend to be rather picky about who they work on at times, they are arguably some of the best people to have when exploring dangerous areas or diving into harsh dens filled with all sorts of nasty creatures.

As such those that undergo the training for such magic are already accomplished healers in their own rights. Some are avid supporters of their own beliefs and others perhaps do jot care about politics or things like optics. Their ability to constantly adapt to the changing needs of medicine must be at least equal or on par with the very nature of the varied and expanding lists of injuries. From basic cuts to removing even the most permanent of injuries, those under this school of magic are as capable as they come. And they are always looking to expand their own knowledge, even if they can't utilize such things themselves.

But a healer can't do it alone, and thus as part of their training, they must seek out a partner, one that will see it to the end together. An assistant is always needed after all, even more so when it comes to keeping those in your care from ever needing more permanent medical care. They are also the reason why such healers are even able to muster the power needed to remove injuries from patients. As such, only a bind forged under the harshest of conditions would truly stand such tests. And that cannot be taught.

Such magics do come at a cost however. As the origins of such arts draw on both what people consider good and evil to form its basis. Practitioners of such are more then likely aware of multiple forms of mending an issue beyond what is taught in more generalized lessons to apprentices, such as the concepts of fleshcrafting, or a more in depth understanding of necromancy, for one needs to be able to heal such should the time arise. Should you consider this path, know you will likely be shunned by various people from all sides, trusted to keep your charges alive, but also forever suspect to those with a dim view on even knowing of darker magics.

An excerpt from the Healing Methodologies

[This is a rough overview of some lore ive been writing for the class, please be patient while it gets refined.]
A summary of Curia Aurora

One of the more core aspects of those with the title Worldly Healer, is their telltale greenish aura. Something manifested after finishing prior lessons, as it provides the very concepts needed to use such a magic.

While the aura itself is specific to each user, in terms of its felt presence, and activation, the core magical mechanics behind such are fairly straight forward. Its users dedicate far more of their mana into frontloaded healing potency. This in turn, has some rather peculiar side effects, as channeling that much mana into such a thing, resulted in a bleed off, healing its user for small amounts over time, although, it is only slightly more potent then a boars bite. 

The more noticeable side effect is healing magic reaching a critical state of power, something most combat magi are familiar with, that particular moment when their spells hit with far more potency then normal. This is more pronounced with spells that have a repeating effect, akin to a sphere of healing gemstone. And while it does benefit the healer, should it come to a fight, it is more specialized in the department of party healing.

As the best form of injury prevention, is making sure such injuries don't come to pass in the first place.

However, those seeking to use such magics, and lack the other lessons, might find their circuits fried, or worse. Like all forms of potent magics, lessons are there to prepare one to use such safely, much how wayfinding has several lessons, and safety nets to prevent its novice practitioners from potentially killing themselves. After all, when it comes down to it, a dead doctor is not going to be useful to their patients.
An excerpt from the Healing Methodologies

[Class Mentoring soon. Soon: When Chance tells me my class is done being coded.]
A summary on Triage

Over the course of my years, both being on the receiving and giving end of medical assistance, a common and often troubling issue that is constantly encountered is a lack of energy to treat multiple patients. Between the critically wounded cases, and the far more plentiful walking wounded, the latter tends to drain a doctor or attending physician rather quickly.

This of course, in my eyes cannot continue. For that sole reason I developed a means of dealing with this issue in the form of a decently sized zone of mending. While I have no doubt future users will find new ways to make such a method work for them, in my case, it is a circular pattern, drawn in mana on the ground. The outer edges themselves are scrawled with an alchemical formula, acting as a instruction manual of sorts for magic to follow. A principle of design I did borrow from working with other medics on their own projects, and my own experiences via trial and error. Of course, given that one needs to understand a reasonable amount of the anatomy of various races to truly use such to its full potential, it is not something anyone can simply do without training, and trials. Thankfully, apples are always in supply in the land for the latter.

I digress, however, that the purpose of such a skill, allows the user to create a field that their patients of less then critical state can simply rest in, mending their wounds over time, leaving the medic free to work on those on the brink of death. While its efficacy will be lower then that of direct attention, the area lasts a considerable amount of time, allowing one to heal should a the user themselves be unavailable for some reason. This is particular useful for Clinics, and should such ever appear during wars, Field Hospitals. I don't think I even have to go over its potential for long distance expeditions, where weight and means of carrying supplies tend to be a logistical nightmare.

[Image: healing.gif]
An excerpt from the Healing Methodologies

[LORE Makes all the sadness go away when you make it]
A summary on Miracle Heal

The pinnacle technique of this school of magic, practitioners will find they have entered an area where even those of radiant faith haven't reached, that being the full erasure of injuries. An extremely potent skill, that comes with a rather sizable cost, as it burns through your experience, and leaves one exhausted. Additionally, as it itself isn't divine magic, the technique isn't perfect, as the injury healed is not always the one you set out to mend in the first place, perhaps an act of the gods to keep such perfect healing under their purview. 

Either way, should someone have the good fortune to meet such a user of said skill, they will find one of their potentially many permanent injuries healed, completely gone from their body. While the applications are not quite perfect, it cannot be understated that potentially grievous injuries may be tended to fully, such as missing limbs restored to their former glory, or even missing organs replaced.

It is important to note however, the recipient must be alive to benefit from such a thing, and in some cases white magic would be far more ideal depending on the purpose. It cannot restore years lost, or bring back the dead, as it is a spell for those seeking care from a Doctor or Medic.  

An excerpt from the Healing Methodologies
[I have a commission slated for a unique spell effect for this. Should it not make it into code, it might eventually make it in as a prop.]
A summary on Doctors Assistant*

As mentioned in the opening pages of this summary, A worldly healer requires a partner to aid them, as they are but one person, and cannot be everywhere at once. This partner is one made for life, as only in the users death is the contractual summon lost. Due to such a bond, the summon is considered to be both a reflection of what healing is to the practitioner, as well as extension of their abilities, providing healing where the user themselves might not be able to reach due to various circumstances.

Its appearance tends to vary slightly between casters** but no matter the case, it is generally not a large being, usually the size of a fairy or will-o-wisp. This serves two purposes the first already mentioned, but the second is the ability to have it assist in much more delicate surgeries, where its smaller size and far more dexterous hands would benefit. This also means said summon is much harder to pin down with attacks not solely dedicated to hitting it, a very useful thing to have when one is trying to heal another in the heat of combat, as they would also not get in the way of the casters own magics.

At the end the day however, the summon is both your partner, and your one friend to the end. Your fates are shared, and thus keep such in mind, as while it may be a summon, it is still rather intelligent.
An excerpt from the Healing Methodologies

*Name Updated As Promised
**Still waiting on a thing, but its tiny creatura
[With this, the lore doc is considered complete, however those with the Class earned may contribute to the Lore as they wish Below these posts]

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