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Lessons from the Expanse
[Image: yd5ce5ngp34.jpg]

"Meranthe has long forgotten His teachings, perhaps it is time they should be reminded of what both He and His people stand for."

Within the sand-swept dunes of Serenity and the greater desert which marks the gateway between Meranthe and the Silent Expanse, rumors begin to stir. A small collection of tribesmen from the wandering, fractured, warbands known only as Atlan's few have found their way to Meranthe... And with them, teachings of their Deity:

God of Flame, War, Independence, and more.
The Warrior of the Pantheon.

This small group has found themselves in a land without faith in their God, and met those who would wish to see the flames of their belief stomped out once and for all... Yet they are not swayed by threats so easily. Toiling away in the homes they were granted by last remaining settlement of the Desert, the two foremost among these faithful of the War God have worked together to create a proper lesson for those who may not be familiar with His teachings.

A sermon, and sacrificial bonfire is to be held in the desert to both teach Meranthe of the nearly extinct faith and to pay honor to Ualdir. All those interested have heard the gathering welcomes all, save for those who are innately or openly blasphemous to his teachings... Especially Undead and their wretched Necromancers.



Event will be no earlier than the 27th, this has been confirmed... May be moved to the 30th due to scheduling complications.
Event happening today! All are welcome save for those previously mentioned to be banned.

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