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The Plague Walk: Answers of Preservation
[Image: 42c1681b91cfad6a3ed7919efba77ac4.jpg]
To my Kin, Keeper of the Old Ways Wrote:Asena and Saekanis are both two sides of the same coin. They are both needed for the balance, and it seems to be crumbling. There are not many Ookami who know this or care about our divine spirits, but I know a few. I will not abandon them because I know for one to exist so must the other. Finding myself confused about some ideas though, I must figure out the truth from Asena. Even as someone marked by Saekanis, I will try to restore the balance and figure out what I am supposed to do. How to fit into this whole situation.

Zamekiri, His Last Son.
Zamekiri was left with more questions than answers in the plague walk. He must look for answers so he finds himself headed to a temple of Asena. The temple could aid him in figuring out that what he heard from his plague walk is true. The ideas presented could be real or not, left with a bunch of bleeding questions. He tried to find a way to solve them while battling with his loyalties to Asena as a whole.

Attendees: Zamekiri K. Mugen, Carina + 3 Others (Full Party!)
Risk: HCoI (LCoD for Zamekiri)
Reward: Melodian Lore/Asena Based Dev Rewards/Asena's Gift
Themes: Follow up for the Last Event, Melodian Lore, Choices Between Asena and Saekanis, 
DM: Please be mine!

Contact (discord): protectkanna

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