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The Herd Hears the Howl
[Image: battle-bear-wolf-wallpaper-preview.jpg?e...93340a0fd&]

A poster is flung out to the streets of Atrellya and around the surrounding area. A giant bear is pictured standing over a cowering wolf, prepared to fight and take down the bear even if the enemy is bigger than it. The two are set to battle, but that is all the still image gives until the poster is spun around to find a letter written on it.

"The wolves feared the bears, but one lone black wolf who plagues the world he touches does not feel that fear."
Ohn Herd,
Heed my call, your tug on the world has been felt for a long time but you started to hide. You started to become scarce, what happened to the hunters. What happened to the animals that struck fear into the world. I will not bring a wolf pack, it will be a lone hunter. Cloaked in bloody red looking to make a meeting so we can end one of our lives. A true hunter must be established, your sins must be repaid. I am prepared to speak Ohn.

No answer and I know you have  truly fell to cowardice.

- The Plague Wolf's Lone Hunter
Signed in someone's blood is a wolf print.
[Image: dbbltnl-55463122-d12c-4883-9faa-f22f708d...DlWw9IcM74]


Challenging the Ohn Herd to Dangers/Deadly Hunt by Hunt


Time/Date - Soon


Coords - Soon
[Image: 56eacc55ecf0e4c49cf9a44c56c4ce42.jpg]

"The wolves know fear? You would slander your own hunt? The Herd learned from the wolves, master their craft, perfected the hunt. As if we were born into its embrace."

Quote:Little Wolf,

You seek a hunt? Have you not suffered enough? I asked of you; you are a student to those I've devoured. You think a time of hibernation is cowardice? Then you know little of the cycle. Yet, I will offer you this chance. The Ohn has awakened once more. My last Son remains, Jarl Ohn-Son Broli. Come forward, to the domain of Atrellya, the Crecent Island. I will grant you a single opportunity to prove if you truly are "the Wolf'. Do not shy away, as this will be deadly combat, it is the only way to seal such a challenge you have offered.

So, tell me Little Wolf, have you suffered? Haven't I not taken enough from you?

Signed: The Unreturned, King Ohn Bragi of the Herd

DATE/TIME: Lets Talk (chibidagod on discord)
[Image: pngtree-wild-dog-wolf-fighting-grizzly-b...680222.png]
"The ones before me felt fear at your DOMINATION, I shall not hide behind the trees. You learned from the wolf packs, I have no pack. I carry all of his will on my shoulders."
Quote:Herd King

I am glad you heard the howls, but I am disappointed you did not listen to my warning. I am not a pup of their ways, I am not a Melodian who follows the ways of perservation. I follow my hunger, I sustain my greed through the blood of my enemies. I suffered enough, but you think yourself impregnable, maybe the head of your son laid at your feet will make you understand. We shall not do this in Atrellya! I am no fool. The blood shall be spread in a pit, where combat had been settled and blood stains the ground. The remnants of Dragon's Nest in their pit. Let us see who suffers more. None shall interrupt, none shall stop the blood shed.

You shall remember "This wolf" as I am he who spreads the plagues to these lands. I walk as he for I am his only son,


Settings - Deadly Cap 6 (One of us must die)

Time/Date - 12/17/6 PM EST
Coords - 255, 914, 1
(Into the pit, you need a boat)
[Image: image.png?ex=6763556f&is=676203ef&hm=316...height=675]

Ohn Broli was slain by Zamekiri! The Ohn heard lost a son!
Blood was shed on this eve and everyone bared witness to the true power of Saekanis. The Ohn herd is left with one less son and the challenge is laid out by the King of the Ohn. A challenge for another Honor Hunt between the two, a new location would have to be found for this. A neutral ground for blood to be shared. The wolf goes back and claims his meal then licks his wounds, the events of the day spread enough blood for a year. Soon enough, the hunt would be activated again between the Wolf and the Ohn herd.

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