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Treachery's Symphony
Treachery's Symphony
[Image: 6726a3fe0532282db8d464fd2986dc39.jpg]
"The false one waits where the world holds its breath."

Quote:Though the practices of those devoted to Lady Mortyl may differ from place to place, one truth binds them all: every living being must one day face its end.

For all men must serve, and all men must die.

The Mementos at the Interitus are no strangers to news about other priests of Mortyl or Vdali, however, unsettling implications arise when rumours surface of a long-presumed-dead priest of Mortyl who walks among the living. Many declare it to be a miracle, others view it as a gift from Lady Death herself... But Keeper Finality decides to investigate further. Inconsistencies are found. Records that have gone missing, contradicting documents... For each answer sought, a new question reveals itself.

The responsibility falls on them, her Death Knights and Keepers, to find these answers.

"No longer will her decree be denied."

Attendees: 5-6.
Risk: CoD+
Reward: to be discussed.
Themes: F i n a l i t y. Consequences & Karmic Debt. Death & Betrayal.
DM: ..!?
Contact: the.tsaritsa
[Image: Cardiff-Bishop-Foggy-paint-copy.png]
The answers found indeed find such inconsistencies most alarming; by all accounts, a priest had been found in hushed, hallowed grounds, treading the world of the living, speaking in good faith of Mortyl's grace whilst avoiding that dagger poised to their heart.
As miraculous as it may be, as answers could be found in a venerable, seemingly timeless relic of devotion, all things, good or bad, must end.
So, then, why would this one refuse to do so?
The answers would be found beyond the borders of Meranthe, in a canyon-entrusted, hidden-away monastery tended to solely by this figure upon the edge of Stromberg;
in other times of the year, it is left intentionally vacant, yet that hand comes to upkeep the land once per year, upon the month of Uner.
Despite the treachery and danger inherent to the trip, it is what must be done to solve this endless, ageless mystery.
Even if it meant they'd know of the Death Knights and Keepers' presence in the lost chapel before they were even suggested to be there.

I will be DMing this event.
CoD unless discussed otherwise; make a group chat and invite me.

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