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galgal dm
Event Preferences: Mini-Events, Small Events, Parties!  I favor dark fantasy themes but also sparkly fun themes! There is a strong possibility I will refuse anything lore heavy.

Other Notes: I refuse anything that isn't a small party (5 Players Max) in requests. Also, I am still fairly new to this all so I will make mistakes. I can also be a bit slow, but I will do my best to personalize responses to each each player, given my preference to these smaller groups.

Are you currently running events, and if so, are you considering player requested events?: Yes to both! This is the reason I made this thread. Make requests with my preferences in mind. No larger then parties of five, please do not try to convince me to take more then that, I might accidently say something mean if you do.

Discord # or best means of contact: @galgal on discord. I am not in the main Eternia Discord, so if you have trouble finding me, page me @GalionKnight on BYOND Pager or send me a pm here on the forums.

Extra (Please Read!):

+ I most likely will enforce time limits on emotes during events to hasten both you and myself. This is not intended to increase the stress of an event but instead to create a better flow and avoid waiting lethargy. RP Time Limits will be 15 minutes when applied.
+ Events that go over their ETA if one is mentioned  will kick into overtime. I will cut content to reach the climatic conclusion if need be.
+ Do not hesitate to sayplay given the above two. In fact, I encourage it when you find oppurtunity. Sayplay creates stronger dynamics during the course of events and thus improves interactions significantly, while helping to maintain pacing.
I value people's time, both yours and my own. I would like to setup a flow where players feel peppy and happy at the end, rather then exhausted and ready to sleep, even if contented.

When reviewing my events, give me your harshest criticisms. Don't sugarcoat any issues you have- I will make mistakes, and I will seek to improve from them. If I fuck up an event, I will not cry or be sad if you abuse me in your review. I will still (probably) love you!
Character: Invictus Tenebris

Which Event: Magma Fever

Responsiveness: Ultra fast DM, they had many of the initial narrations prepared beforehand and their attention to detail and LooC communication for questions by the group memebers as top notch, this was the strongest point of this new DM.

Balance: Considering it's their first event, the balance was good, they also adapted as the EC rounds were going, powering up or down the EC as needed, as a CQC user suffered a lot from primordial fire, would suggest giving the 'tank' the taunt spell so they can perform the duty easier.

Storytelling: The storytelling was awesome, the narrations were insane and GalGal tailored our group actions in a really beautiful manner. Their description of the place and the ec were on point, managing to make a 2d game feel like it was elden ring from text alone, a really good point for this DM, especially considering the story itself was quite basic, since it was a boss hunting mini event. My god the storytelling was good, this point alone makes this DM a gem, after all this is an RP game and narrations are the heart of events, great job.

Fairness: The lowest point, the rewards weren't good for the risk taken, it was a grade C mat and tokens, we got three permed people, now, I don't think the boss difficulty should be lower, rather the rewards better, we knew what we were getting into, nonetheless, i think elden ring style bosses should be a stapple for DMs, easy things are boring, this fight was AWESOME, really exciting.

Overall: Amazing!! I want to see what stories will this DM tailor for full lenght events in the future, I recommend GalGal as DM 100%, this was their first event, so it can only get better from here GJ!

Any other comments: I want to take part in more events from this DM, i had a BLAST!!
Character: Arla Roggs

Which Event: Magma Fever

Responsiveness: Pretty fast, never really felt like I had to wait super long for a narrate of for transitions.

Balance: Balance was a bit wonky, a lot of the times the EC felt too easy (which, considering I used to do EC balancing on Verdict, I know how frustratingly difficult it can get to keep things fair, especially with a healer). Overall, however, the moveset and stats made the fights feel really dynamic.

Storytelling: So half of it was probably our fault for choosing to walk through the doors instead of finding the key first but I really liked how you set the tone, and the reactions of the big bad to our assault. Everytime it powered up I could feel the hype, the narrations were super enjoyable to read.

Fairness: For me it was pretty fair, though for others it might feel like they got cheated, trading a perm for ten tokens and a grade C to share amongst the group. I'll leave that one open, since I guess a lot of what goes into it, in terms of rewards, is out of your hands.

Overall: I had a lot of fun and even if we just breezed through it, it felt substantial and worthwhile. I did not regret losing 3-4 hours of sleep over this.

Any other comments: You're doing great^^
Character: Fulumi Thorruhn

Which Event: Magma Fever

Responsiveness: Really Quick, We didn't really have to wait too long between each step of the event.

Balance: It was fine Imo, the third round where everyone was downed was pretty funky- but we kind of just ignored any other options the DM gave us to go an alternate less violent or easier route.

Storytelling: I liked it a lot for what the event was, I almost feel bad for the dm that we went for 'Just smash the EC' It felt like they had plenty more to show and tell us- but my character was just there to help. Not influence.

Fairness: Ive gotten everything Ive wanted, the dm was even kind enough to agree to a personal request for my own reward. It didn't feel like one person was preferred over all the others, everyone was catered to.

Overall: I had a great time, it was nice to see the stats of the EC changing with winning or losing rounds It would be cool to see more dms change this- having this transparency is awesome.

Any other comments: I said everything I wanted to say. Thank you for the Quick and wonderful event.
Character: Camellia Aubreen

Which Event: The Deadliest Catch

Responsiveness: Pretty quick, aside from brief hiccups when making items/preparing fights. It happens, things drew out a bit, but nothing too terrible!

Balance: My team of healers made short work of this beast. Still, water dome and tsunami and ice age on an EC make for a terrifying combo.

Storytelling: It was about as much storytelling as we could probably get from a simple adventure listing adventure. It was light-hearted, but there was enough storybeats there that we all had something to tackle and RP about, and the narrates were well written!

Fairness: we all got a little bit of something, so can't complain here. I think we have been rewarded thoroughly and also had a good time :)

Overall: galgal is a cool dm, would love to see more

Any other comments: yippee
Key/Character: Vyyn / Iaxel the Shadow

Which Event: The Lost and the Meek

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Yes, Gal was quick with every reply given, detailed well with responses to the roleplays too!

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The battles held both thrill and challenge! I think we also had a fun little trap / obstacle to deal with which I failed, haha! But it felt fair with the odds given, I just had tough luck!

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): The story was well put, formulated into a good overall ending which resulted in a nice surprise for the party! (My pet wisp Big Grin )

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) Yes, I believe with the rewards and risk were fair!

Overall: Awesome event, I recommend this DM!

Any other comments: Another overdue one, my apologies! Galgal did great work, this one was a lot of fun!
[Image: TwoSigs.png][Image: unknown.png]

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