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Serenity Martial Tournament
[Image: 2e3271b624aae8eb5cbba1d15961e3e8.jpg]

Quote:"I would like you to host a martial arts tourney for Serenity, flown"
Rued silvanas.

"I know i promised many things for you rued, may be able deliver some and others not... but this one? i'll do my best."
Flown Akatsuki

[Image: Super+Fight+Tournament+Arena.jpg]

Merchants spread the posters and fliers arround meranthe, the word of a martial tournament being hosted on serenity by the former captain of serenity reach the ears and eyes of those interested, it says:

Quote:The path of martial combat changed a lot since i've started considering myself with a significant progress, however i do have a wish to see if the current generation is going go somewhere good not bad, sign up if you wish test your martial skills and test your own style, only experiences will be gain, and we all can be better on tomorrow, may help with deal with this after war pain we all suffering.

  • The tournament will be a sequence of fights, until only two are left.
    • To participate you must have one of the following trees in your build at minimun: Unarmed/Armed. Ranged users are allowed participate as long they have or unarmed or armed to follow the previous rule
  • The default setting is restrainted 0, however if both players agree, the sett of AGG 0 can be raised, take in mind you still will need continue fighting if win so think well about your stamina, DANG 0 will not be denied to incentivate writing ,if both players wish to, but we do not responsibilize for what happens
  • If one desire raise the settings and the other refuse, ic insistence and engaging will result in expulsion of the tournament
  • This is a martial skill tournament we not valuaing just pure rpl and strong builds but domain of your magics. before all fights both fighters must do /powerdown sd and powerdown /vit to lock their status at 200 pow and 200 vit, agility will not be restrainted, we want see both displays of rpb skills and good rp.
  • In case of drawn a one round rpb will be requested to kill the drawn.
  • Fel is banned, magical beasts arent as long they behave with the public watching, burst of uncontrol will result in expusion.
  • To keep the things fluid we suggest at begin of fight both do a introductory ropeplay before the fight begin and continue rping after the fight is over, to give stage to everyone like the old school dbz tournaments.
  • First place prize: 75k coins, Second place : 50 k coins,  Third place: 25 k coins
  • Raffles of arcanium will be made, as each playing will give a id for a raffle.
  • Donations will be accepted in order to increase the pool of prizes of events if you desire, talk to flown or send a letter.
6:30 pm est , Sunday, 11/17/24
sign up
discord contact: Luacss

The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
After some very intense fights, blood spilled and a incrible final , the first and last ediction of the Martial Tournament ends.

[Image: Screenshot_307.png?ex=673c1310&is=673ac1...51d19a74c&]
1º Roman De Monteville with his  Swift blade of Justice
2º  Lune de Lorde using the  Luminous Dawn
3º  Netehl and the  Shadowdancing

The people who got the shaffle was:
Lune, Roman and  Yatzli

After a final fight between flown and roman for finish up the tournament with gold key, the tournamnet finnaly ended. (who saw saw.)

Thanks all that joined and im never doing this again(im dead.)

The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
[Image: e86caae972984e20518e4c6fe44fb9ab.jpg]
Rumors been spreading between merchants, and enthusiasts from the martial path, be the blade or the fist, as long follows the physical doutrine.

With the success that was the first edition of Serenity Martial tournament, displaying enjoyable battles to be seen by fist on fist , blades crashing or simply the old rivalry of sword and fist? rumors of a second edition begun spread arround meranthe. On the first weeks of the rumors soon were confirmed, by the master of the waterfall fist, flown akatsuki when questioned.
First edition was a expriment that provided good data about how organize a tournament, if a second one was to be? i would say would be less fights, would need more people to help, as well sponsorship on the rewards, since i cant give much good prizes, if people really think is a good ideia make a second edition, just come and talk to me instead spread rumors.
Flown akatsuki

Flown akatsuki is looking sponsors for the second edition of the martial tournament, as well helpers.
Contact him via letter: Flown Akatsuki
Ingame or discord: luacss

Did you know? the martial tournamnt got the seal of approve from captain serenity

[Image: 188ec4fd81ab3351c31d9dda932ca9f8.jpg][Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTg8kWCBwGKipE_eyLhEC-...8mPfNOMQ&s]
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
A sizeable donation of 50,000 crowns and an endorsement has been sent forth from the Sarim of the Wisdom of the Sisters, as is a sponsorship banner attached:
[Image: EGp4AwM6_o.jpg]

Vena Amamiya, Sarim of the Wisdom of the Sisters,
"Trials of Conflict when they are done in a controlled environment are benefit, rather than a detriment to the community."
"I support this, and I encourage any faithful, and observer to part-take in this tournament. As I'm gonna be watching."
[Image: 88dde3d5fe1cf9220bb7d8713bd797a6.png?ex=...23e0a9420&]
With the announcerment of the first sponsor so far the wisdom of the sisters more informations continue spread, officially by the warden organizing it, the adjusted rules and overwall strucutre of the tournament are now public as well the registations:

Stucture rules
  • The tournament will have exact 8 vacancies, resulting in a total of 7 fights happening. no more, no less.
  • This time is restricted to physical martial magi (You must have at least unarmed or armed in your tree, ranged is allowed as long follow that rule too)
  • Fel and serenity like enemys are not welcomed to join
  • Due 1º edition incident, magical beasts will also not be allowed in for their own safety. (suceptible to change on spefic cases.)
  • This time all registrations shall be make with flown akatsuki directaly, first to come served, when all 8 slots are filled, the date of tournament will begun to be defined based on registered players free time.
Battle rules:
  • Default setts are restraint 0, any raise in intensity shall be agreed by both combatants otherwise shall result in conflicts with the staff of tournament, we do not take responsabilitie for any harm did on tournament , that's why we set the rule of mutual agreement on intense fights, max raise at dang
  • As a martial tournament, we displaying domain of skill instead pure strong builds, fighers shall fight using a special band equipement that will restraint their fighting capacities to a similar level, that can be taken off any time, but will be checked before every fight begin. This year the settings for powerdown were adjusted to: 250 pow and 250 vit.
We still in look of more sponsors for the tournament, when all contestants are registered, that searching will cease, there will be no more sign ups after all are choosed, free fro cases of give up, so prepare.
Flown akatsuki

Seek flown akatsuki on serenity for make your register on tournament.
Updated track: 8/8 filled
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
Over the years several changes on serenity made that the tournament was delayed, but never fully announced as cancelled, that time provided a quality span of time for the ones previously weak get even stronger and new seeds sprout for finnaly fill the list that been years still waiting more contestants.

ooc: this ended delayed bc i got less time to play and hunt the people left for the grades. but we still lacking 2 people to fill the tournament, so you know, look for me so we can finally put a date and get this over with....
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
Saturday: 3pm est

Prize pool:
1º place: 75k coins + 2 eternine ores + 6 auguria ores + 15 tyrium ores
2ºplace: 50 k coins + 1 eternite ore + 3 auguria ores
3º place: 25 k coins + 1 eternite ore + 3 auguria ores.

3 raffles between participants:
3 auguria ores
15 tyrium ores
1 repleshiment pition
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
sorry folks i was tired from studying and ended up trading dates. i actually mean saturday.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
The second edition ended, filled with suprises and breathtaking fights.
[Image: image.png?ex=67a0a109&is=679f4f89&hm=7a4...b91074a22&]
1ºplace Katsuya Akatsuki
2ºplace: Caelith
3º place: Ryu Tengoku

Raffle: Mimsy, Retsuki, And maggy.

This was the first edition of having a ranged fighter, things got pretty crazy! katsuya was destroying every other melee fighter! to the point he was considered a boss and would be given a reward for who defeated him, Ryu as well for his big performance was considered a boss and boss to boss fought. Captain serenity showed up to put a end on the wolf reign of terror agaist all melees but was defeated in battle like most were, there was simply no way to stop it, and he made his way to the top as winner of the second edition.

One thing is certain, the events on the second edition will impact future editons if they ever exist.

The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]

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