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Night of the Spirits (Public)
[Image: 1000_F_552837518_S0p66KFLbjoi3NKjp4AQat52lzhwcLf7.jpg]
Let the fallen be remembered fondly- and bring forth a small offering to have them remember you.
A ceremony to call out to the spirit realm to take place in the remains of Nightview.
A call by the Galan faithful of Nightview to spare but a moment for those in the realm of the living to offer small tokens to the spirits within the realms.
"I plan to call for Gala's aid to try and thin her veil for a brief moment... to offer thanks to those who helped defend our realm from the demons. 
...[let] those who have lost know about this... They deserve a chance to give thanks in earnest in a time of peace."

Using the memories of the living to weave a collage of the deceased's memories, ideals and beliefs, a search for the departed to send such offerings to them will take place.

Letters are sent out to call upon Wayfinders, Spiritmancers and Galan faithful associated with the Nightview chapter of the faith,

or those interested in joining, to attend in particular to aid in the ritual.

For anyone else, barring the Atrellyans, Fel and associated parties, an invitation to write a letter to the dearly departed

or prepare a small offering to give to the fallen in the Spirit Realms. The event will require concentration and faith of the Galan fellowship

to not only call out to the Veil to move items through it, but to also search for the spirits to bestow such offerings.

Such a task- one that seeks to provide ease and thanks for the spirits of the fallen- is uniquely precise, especially when trying to move something beyond Gala's Veil.

Who knows what might happen should a slip cause the space between realms to seep through...

Required Attendees: Oliphr Ishiko, (a Wayfinder)

Risk: HCoI

Themes: Dia de los Muertos (altered), Spiritmancy, Wayfinding

Rewards relating to Alejibres (Spiritual guides) or just 'Spirits' in general, if allowed/possible for public events

DM: Open
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