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Sentry duty! {Gloomlight + Martyr's Vigil}
[Image: 77ddf9e4f4c10593310975a24f4d5016.jpg]

Within Gloomlight, and Martyr's Vigil word rapidly spreads of Guardsman Vena Mephan's intentions to expand the amount of manpower invested into maintaining the security of the passage way between Martyr's Vigil, and Gloomlight. For this reason, she has made an open call for all available parties to report to Martyr's Vigil for a briefing on the manning of the Watchtowers: The Halmound Hold and Combat Outpost: Urano.

For this operation, she requests a minimum of six magi, otherwise it will be postponed for another date.

This is done in interest of encouraging RP and having fun. 
If you are an antagonist/fel aligned, please do not force anyone it any caps they do not want. 
That defeats the entire point of this, and it is only the first of possibly more.
 I ask that my intentions are respected, and no one from either side is forced into a cap they don't ask for or agree with. 
Lets keep it fun

Time: 5PM AST, Today.
{Rescheduled to the same time tomorrow, to not conflict with:}

{Operation: Success}

{Engagements: 0}

{Follow up: Pending Clearance and planning}


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