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Coping with reality
[Image: 6rhFcxQ.png]
Coping with reality

The city of Londo lays in ruin after its mounted battle against the imperfect demon Sage of Ruin. Buildings smolder- trees collapse, colossal spears pierce the landscape and citizenry- women, men, children, fathers and mothers all pined below the might of these mighty constructs. There was no laughter, no joy- only the sound of crackling wood and shattering glass.
The fighting had come at a massive loss for those and its allies 

Londo has Fallen.

But it appears one couldn't accept the outcome of the events- a missive sent out to allies from what appears to be the monarchy of the city.
Quote:Greetings allies, friends and family. I would like to congratulate the alliance as a whole for defending Meranthe and holding back the Perfect demons threat. Our people have managed to pull through along with the brave mages of Traverse and Fortune- we couldn't have asked for better friends and allies to aid us. With supplies provided to us by our own mages and Gloom, to food from Arcadia- from trenches and walls from the crafty Shigenobu's we get to live to see another sunrise- another brisk morning in the eternal autumn city.

Though it is quiet here- It just gives my Husband and I more time to relax in our hard earned peace, maybe we will finally get to go on our honeymoon now~ that is a lovely thought now isn't it?~ either way- If anything is required of us- let Londo know~ after all- a united meranthe is a strong meranthe~

Until I am dust~, Until I am in your arms once more~"
-Queen Fulumi Thorruhn

The post person deliving the letter would be just as confused as most would be if questioned- with some saying they couldn't break the news to the woman even if they wanted to. Maybe it was her way with coping with reality.

Grief and what follows after.

Quiet washes over the landscapes that surrounded the once colourful city. Gone are the fires that raged, gone are the sounds of shattering glass- replaced with serene silence... a moment of respite for the once grand settlement.

Seen wandering within the rubble; wisps of civilization stumble about- rummaging, dragging and collecting shards of what once was, what stood tall. Within their arms rest memories, hopes and dreams snatched away by the burning inferno of war.

Among those souls several stood out. Clad in the royal blues, the brilliant golds and the soft ambers of the cities military- some still gripping their weapons- once proud and now beaten down to nothing but a shell of what they once were.

[Image: usqtqFD.png]

The power to accept the reality before them is not something easily given. To come to terms that things will never return to what they used to be. To be able to take in all the emotions of anger, despair depression and bargaining and emerge out the other side unscathed is an impossible and monumental task to most.

Not even the gods and goddesses are immune, what use is to expect yourself to be above them? No one would blame you to just.. give up.

Teetering on the brink of insanity, one particular individual had almost done just that. Having peered into the depths of hell itself they were left broken and wandering, denying the outcome of this unfair world, spreading the pain to others they cared for, insulting the sacrifice of those that fought for their right to live and ultimately lost.

[Image: aTka46B.png]
Moving on.

But life is not so colourless. Despite the wanderers denial, grief and insanity- there were those that cared for them, for the city, for the people of Londo. They were more than just their walls, more than just their military. They were a proud people, a proud people saved by those clad in blue, amber and gold, a proud people saved by the sacrifice of their guardians.

The allies of the once radiant kingdom reminded this individual of that.

That even Kings and Queens cry.

[Image: gMLSbXc.png]
" Hello, if you are getting this letter it means the post workers have finally stopped running away from me.

I want to apologize for my actions following the ruination of my kingdom.. under tremendous loss I lost sight of what I once was and insulted the lives of those who gave themselves to defend Londo, Traverse and Fortune... I was not in the best of mind and it took a long time and the help of several individuals who do not wish to be named to pull me back from that dark reality.

The Kingdom of Londo is not its buildings, its land or its things. The kingdom of Londo is its people, its ideals and its faiths.

In the direct line of certain death the Military of Londo and Traverse made the ultimate sacrifice to uphold those ideals, to save as many people as they possibly could. I hold an eternal debt to the brave people who stood side by side with me against Terminus, the sage of Ruin- knowing it was probably their last battle. The last time we would see each other.

I promise them.. as long as I still live- they will not be forgotten. 

Londo will never forget, we will move forward with our friends, our allies.

Until we are dust, until we are in your arms once more."
- Queen Fulumi Thorruhn

Letters baring the seal of the monarchy of Londo slowly begin to reach the hands of all the households that thrived within- along with their Allies and friends. After nearly half a year of silence- closure would be given to those who wondered what had become of the eternal autumn city.

Although its painful, its time to start again.

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