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Mettle of Man (Mementos/Lost Legion)
[Image: duel.png]

Calamity can come in many forms, and not always is it presaged through the ill omen of a tremor or the awesome rumble of a volcano.

Some disasters arrive more insidiously. A belief. A desire. A disease.

Following the events of the Hollow World, and the conception of a new Titan, an ancient adversary took residence in the Tower of Aeitius and the neighboring hamlet of Interitus. Although their purpose for being remains a mystery at large to even themselves, their reputation requires no introduction, and their faithful promises are anything but kind. To this end, measures towards integration make their first move, and a queer accord between Cepheus and the nascent Titan's named champion Indra Kal strikes alight. Resulting in...

... A friendly (?), honorable duel to determine the fate of a nation.

And likely the course of history as a whole.

"No more of these scheming demons trying to worm their way in, or these little piss ants with their promises of rewards for our allied state- a real fight to see who deserves to lead!"

Indra Kal vs Vindicator Cepheus
Mementos Church
Wednesday 6th, 5PM EST
[Image: glowing-electric-blue-eyes-on-600nw-512462884.jpg]

Word quickly spreads of a duel between a champion of the Mementos and a Vindicator among the recently freed Oscuri.

The news wouldn't take long to be disseminated throughout the land, eventually reaching a certain pirate's ears.
He could be found pacing back and forth, clearly not very pleased about the news. 

"What th' bloody Hel are they up to!? A duel t' determine who leads th' Oscuri?

Th' Mementos don't even approve of Necromancy!

They'd be betrayin' everything they and their blood stands fer'!? 

Kehahahah! Worms, are we?

This fight is one they cannot win, what a joke!

I will show em' who truly is worth losin' to!

Lord Varrach, th' first Demon Imperfection!"

Objective: Steal the challenge.
Manasseh vs. Indra Kal
[Image: Rider-Fate-zero-full-4049150.jpg]

The giant Oscuri stands tall atop their newly built tower, he does not send papers or missives, from the rails he slaps both large hands down and bellows his message into the open air. Those within the Oscuri camp spread the word, passersby look on with a mixture of confusion and interest.
"What impudence you have to think you possess any right to affect my destiny, let me explain something to you undead champion of Varrach.
I am Cepheus, Vindicator of Conquest, I lead myself and only those who care to follow march behind me!
This duel is to decide my own personal fate, it is to decide whether I will rage against a city under the protection of the Primordial.
The fate of the entire Last Legion does not rest in who wins this duel, only my own personal desire to conquer the lands of Meranthe in full.


A warrior should be able to fight to their hearts content, they must be able to rage upon the battlefield unchained.
I welcome you to join us at the fated duel, we will all battle together and knock on the doors of destiny together!
Lord Azrael will witness our bloodshed, he will be exalted in every swing of our blades."


The undead would not be barred.

At least not by the Vindicator of Conquest.

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