![[Image: epic-samurai-council-meeting-ancient-jap...7-8540.jpg]](https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/epic-samurai-council-meeting-ancient-japan_934697-8540.jpg)
A shuffling echos through the earth as a few undead move around their cramped home. One moves standing in front of the others with a piece of paper his blade resting at his side.
Quote:Brothers. Seems I found something Interesting for us to do.
There is a gathering of famous samurai and swordsman in sheng. Not sure why they are gathering but as a swordsman myself I can't help but want to go test myself against them. I also hear they have a very special blade there that I want. It will serve us well.
I'm sure they won't like me showing up as I am either. So, what do you say we go challenge them all to a duel and take the sword?
With all in agreement supplies are gathered and a boat taken as they make their way to Sheng. Chaos and trouble likely to follow them as they make their way to the meeting of Samurai and Swordsman.
Attendees: Hayate Ze Dikaru and the other Ze Dikaru siblings. (3-5)
Risk: We ball (aka up to DM)
Reward: A Katana of Legend Or cursed Katana (aka cool sword) and other materials and things we find along the way
Themes: Samurai, Ronin, Duels, Sheng lore, Journy to the west, Necromancy, Witches, Dragons
DM: Wake up Samurai! (Looking for one)
Contact: PM Here and we can set it up.
Risk: We ball (aka up to DM)
Reward: A Katana of Legend Or cursed Katana (aka cool sword) and other materials and things we find along the way
Themes: Samurai, Ronin, Duels, Sheng lore, Journy to the west, Necromancy, Witches, Dragons
DM: Wake up Samurai! (Looking for one)
Contact: PM Here and we can set it up.
Notes - Just something I thought to add. This is rather open to the DM on what they want to do. The end goal is the blade and getting it is up to however the DM wants to handle it.