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The Demon You Know, and Those You Don't
[Image: AOhSkrCk_QhKS_1024.webp]
The landscapes over the past few years have suffered the taint and rot of the occult, blood spilled countless times over as hunters and prey alike fell victim to the rampaging beast turned demon, however for a time things remained no more than tales and legends of another Demon enacting destruction as they do.

Following the events at the tower of Aetius word began to spread as now even the lesser informed have been subjected to the realization of what was and is to become, no longer a legend nor bound to just the words spoken as much of Meranthe bore witness to the Demon they may have seen for the very first time, yet heard the name of.

Weeks pass by and the corruption spread has found more innocents, most of which survived their encounter with this deadly beast as though it derives some sick joy in the suffering of its victims rather than their deaths outright.
Magi speak of a name that was once spoken aloud just beneath the ruins of Midpoint, the progenitor of this Demon and the one to blame:


Following the events of Aetius however it spoke words to make itself known to the general masses, a parting speech to the ignorant who had not yet encountered this foe.
Quote:"I wish it to be known. because Humans do such terrible jobs telling tales...I am that which you have heard of, the whispers hushed upon the vine

I am Vorkos

This will not be the first nor the last the world has seen, look to your friends and families who have kept me a silent murmur, refusing to speak until another may suffer due to their inability to grasp the knowledge resulting in pain and suffering, and family meeting the claw."

Word begins to spread about this Demon in particular and the conquest it has been on to ever corner of Meranthe, lesser magi and non-magi alike spinning tales and urban legends of the Tyrann that has found its roots as a Demon, that Atrellya was to blame and the Demon so proudly speaks of this fact, that it may be time for a new era of Demon and Beast alike.

Amongst the night there is an odd stillness writhing and growing, and though the Demon Vorkos has been no where to be seen since the battle at Aetius rumors start to spread that there had been sightings, perhaps ghost tales meant to scare children or something far more sinister.
Some say the viscera shed from the now Demon began to disappear not long after having been parted from its body, often times blood spilled fading into obscurity.


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