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10-25-2024, 03:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2024, 03:23 PM by Benyah.)
Within the square of Martyr's Vigil there was a large debacle culminating in a litany of claims, and a declaration levied upon all present.
The Hime, The Heiress, The Viscountess, The Liar, The Abandoner, The Villainess, and the Wicked Shiri Shi Shigenobu proclaims:
Quote:"Y-You all w-want a villain right?
Y-You w-want to s-see m-me b-be what you say, truly?
"Fine then, if Righteousness cannot prevail, then righteousness be damned."
Observes would note, Black March infamously delivered the statement "If righteousness cannot prevail, then righteousness be damned." at the first Atrellyan invasion, launched upon Aegis.
So then, the Vile Shiri Shi Shigenobu has most definitely been making good on that declaration. She has declared she is writing a document which will be presented to the Aphrosi Church, particularly the Oracle, and Pontifice as a résumé, as she seeks employment within the church.
For an hour or so within Gloomlight, her writings provoked civil discourse, questioning the factuality of the claims posed within what she had written, some had claimed it was written with the intention of causing chaos, cynical and not reflective of reality, one in particular had stated it was a bastardization of the doctrine, which may have her labelled as a heretic.
The Pontifice themself denied being interested at all in reading it, whenever it is actually sent. Nonetheless, the intentions of this "résumé" or, rather, book are unknown. Within it, Shiri Shi Shigenobu seems to answer the questions of the Athelite Dogmata from a "truthful" standpoint. She claims this is the way the world is, not a reflection of what she believes.
Within these writings, a few claims are made, which she either justifies in extensive detail, or provides examples:
The World: "This world exclusively benefits liars, abusers, cheaters, manipulators, dictators the strong and the cowardly." She explicitly praises Thomas G. Equisol and his leadership in this regard.
The Civilization: "The civilization is divided into three aspects, the Macro, the Micro, and the interpersonal ... Rot spreads in a civilization at the interpersonal level ... At the helm of one particularly dictatorial family"
The Self: An accusation of the Prosperans supporting a particular Equisol against those of Londo had been levied and the mechanism for such are explained through the perspective of self interest; "The self is inherently vile and must be contained"
The Question: "As long as it can be justified in a political arena ... others will come to accept wrong deeds have been done as it is justifiable, and served the interests of the Micro ... Whenever it is no longer deemed justifiable (The question is answered)".
The book is titled: The Aphrosian Dogmata
A love letter to the Oracle, and Pontifice of Gloomlight.
As copies of the original are finished, they will be distributed in Gloomlight, Londo, and any other place where the Faeborne can find a stall to house her magnum opus.
OOC: I will post when the book is on shelves here, any reactions or what not to the book should also be posted here
(If it affects the distribution of the book, or it is a review of the content within it *hint: Muse*)
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Within a particular location within the continent of Meranthe, the former Viscountess sits alone, abandoned, betrayed, and forced into the fringes of society, she does not lose hope. She tirelessly works, laboring for hours at a time to see her work completed. And so, she does. At the completion of both the Aphrosian Dogmata, and Mortal Jurisprudence, she sends word the latter is completed. To assist in spreading her vision of this word, she instructs one (very hard working Courier) to relay short snippets of what Mortal Jurisprudence advocates for,
The Rule of Law: The Rule of Law is a concept where-in strict adherence to the law is followed. For this purpose, laws cannot be vague. Laws cannot be deemed as unjust by that society, and laws cannot move too fast for that society to contain.
To achieve these means, there are two bodies that must be created. Within the Macro there must be a collection of leaders within that particular religion, or jurisdiction where laws are considered, questioned, and levied upon the masses ...
Justice: As such, true justice acknowledges this.
Justice remains a bastion of hope within our world, for the underprivileged, for those born to gods, for the common-folk, for the noble folk, for those who are hated, for those who are loved, for those who are not known, for the unaffiliated and uninitiated who can't seem to catch a break from the woes of this world.
All mortal beings are entitled to justice, regardless of if they are the benefactor of such and victim to a wrong, or the perpetrator and accomplice of such vile intent. Justice remains a mortal right all individuals are entitled to, regardless of creed, and that is the mortal blessing of conscience.
Equity: The reason why this is necessary is because, people are prone to error.
If the Micro or Macro makes a mistake in accusing and imprisoning you for being a witch, or otherwise, you should be able to seek suitable redress for having your freedom deprived for no just or reasonable cause. In that same breath, every person should be judged fairly before a death sentence is levied upon them.
Taking a life without having judged the facts of that particular circumstance is not fair in the slightest, and it is one of the biggest flaws of our world
Civil Discourse: This is because leaders wield a tremendous amount of power over the lives of citizens.
A leader can order your execution for any reason, and it will likely be enforced as many will not willingly go against their leader unless prompted to by someone who they believe can ensure their safety.
This is why leaders must be criticized, should you desire to wield such power you should also desire to be held to the standard that is necessary for wielding that power to the benefit of civilization.
[An ideology was born]
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10-31-2024, 11:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-31-2024, 11:40 PM by Benyah.)
In preparation for the incoming battle, and revolt, the Villain decides to release an entire chapter as promotional material. This is clearly to encourage people to buy his book, whenever it is released.
Chapter 3: The Self
The Self
The self is the most important part of the mortal disposition, that is why all mortals act within self-interest. There-in you see, undead who are forced into a world, and because they believe it is within their own interest to persist, they do so.
Leaders must be self-interested, and they must act in a manner that is beneficial for their rule. It is for that purpose, individuals must appear to act in the interest of others, even when they are truly not upon their side.
I said I would be empirical, so let me speak of the facts, Diallos Equisol had been aided and abetted by the Prosperans in an attempt to further perpetuate an interest unknown to others.
One might pose, at the time Londo was not a part of the Republic and Diallos had been. If Diallos ultimately had claimed the throne of Londo, it would've become a Republican state under the Equisol name. One, of many.
Ultimately, Diallos invaded Londo with the force of the Frontier, and Midpoint. This serves directly contrary to the interests of the Republic, Diallos acted within his own self interest which in turn, would benefit the Frontier as, having used their strength to claim a new throne, they would expect his subservience to them. The Republic did not mount any defense for the state of Londo, as it was not an ally.
It was a neutral state, and due to not abiding by the interests of either the west, or east, it would stand alone. To be crushed as it appeared to only serve its own interests, instead of others, like Diallos.
The self is inherently vile.
It must be contained.