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Medical Classes at Serenity
Posters and flyers spread the following information.

[Image: caduceus-medical-symbol.jpg?s=612x612&w=...mQgBiRkq0=]

Medical lessons will be hosted on serenity clinic, in order to recover the damage caused from the final frontier battle, allies from serenity, and others with wish to learn, shall enter in contact with Flown Akatsuki via letter for manufacturing teaching material, and tools provided for the learning field.

#Teaching plan
10/18 4 pm est
1º class: Anatomy, Types of injuries and Surgery tools :
-Basic knowledge of how the body works
-Detalied explanation fo all the most commons injuries, and how properly treat them
-Proper teaching of sterilization of the tools used and how use teach medical tool.
10/19  5pm est 
2º class: Practical class treating injuries:
-Several dummies with different wounds provided for the students apply the previous knowledges learned.
10/20  6pm est 
3º class: The mana circuit, Mana scanning, Dealing with curses:
-Study of the mana circuit and how it works
-Teaching of the tecnique Mana scan, much used by most magi medic.
-Study of the wounds that can be caused on circuits, and dealing with curses.
10/23  7pm est 
4º class: Practical class, treatment of damage on mana circuits, and curses:
-Study of the mana circuit and how it works
-Teaching of the tecnique Mana scan, much used by most magi medic.
-Study of the wounds that can be caused on circuits, and dealing with curses.
Students mark a day for examn 
Final exam: perform a surgery:
-Students will be provided a dummie with several internal damage, and perfom a surgery over it.
CD: 20 , for each class you joined the cd redudes 2.

OOC: If you preffer, contact me over discord, this first momment is find studends, and set good times for them be able go to the classes, soon this post will be updated with the actual datas and times, but my preference is soon as possible.

Discord: luacss

The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
[dates updated, after this i afk for long 2 months]
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
17/10 lesson delayed to tomorrow due to an unforeseen irl event.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
guilds broken so i annouce here, class 3 6 pm est from today.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
At serenity board, the results of final examn of medical classes are posted with the names of the ones that did the written and practical test:

Written test: 8.3/10
Surgery test: 6.0/10
Final points: 7.1
Approved to act as medic.
obs: should avoid do surgery alone without help of more experienced medics.

Narsea Ueda:
Written test: 3.2/10
Surgery test: 0.5 /10
Final poitns:1.8
Failed in act as medic
obs: Did showed sights not not ready to be the main one on treaments, and surgery, despite skillfuly managing apply the treaments, lacks quality, and proper medic abilities, instead just magical treatments.
Approved to act as nurse assisting on treatments to gather more experience.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]

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