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The Awakening of the Elements

[Image:]  [Image: TBCerC5.png]  [Image:]
"I swore to protect Nightview, I vowed to use the darkness to aid the light and I promised to defend against the hordes-
How far I have come from that little boy... how the Brigade would take pride in theiSecond in Command now...
Well, let's fulfill your desire to protect the innocent, shall we Aem?"
In the silence and the calm of the desert, a shield born bearing all of the 34 magics was waking up.
----Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ether, Biological, Metaphysical and Physical Enhancement----
News of the awakening would be spread to all settlements, barring the Deathwind Fleet and Atrellya.
Asking for any and all available magi to come and offer magic and hope to the shield, a footnote would detail some key notes:
"During the Awakening, utmost respect for the Element Core, myself, Nightview, one another and the ceremony itself is REQUIRED.
Those unable to maintain composure and amicability are strictly PROHIBITED from the event.
For members of the Pantheon faiths, those who can create connections to your deities are asked to come bearing the materials to perform such ceremonies.
Those of the Constants, Divine Dragons and Divine Spirits are also allowed, with the same request as the Pantheon faithful.
I am well aware of the differences in the views of our deities, especially of those in the Pantheon.
I do not ask you to forsake the will of your deities, I ask you to act on behalf of Meranthe to prevent tragedy.
Do not mistake this as a personal effort for Nightview alone.
This is to help fend off the foes which bear the power of the Void against us.
In the face of the void, no one Deity is almighty; so let us stand together and seal the power of our foes before we are extinguished.
Meet in Nightview near the end of the current year of 2136 AC, two attempts to awaken will be made.
The more of us that call to the divines, the stronger our will to banish the foes.
Let us fight united, not divided.

- Oliphr Ishiko of Nightview -

Friday, September 20th at 11AM PDT (6PM GMT)
Saturday, September 21st at 11AM PDT (6PM GMT)
Location: Nightview of The Expanse (78,925,1)
Due to the fact it has been 30 minutes over the posted time due to BYOND being down, the event will be pushed back 3 hours to 2PM PDT (5PM EST/9PM GMT) today, Friday, September 20th.
If BYOND isnt up by then, I might default to Saturday's time instead. Will update as time passes.

As I say that, Meranthe returns- so, push back is only 2 hours to 1PM PDT (4PM EST/8PM GMT) today.
[Image: sHs4MAK.png]
(The screenshot was at the start, I forgot to take another one)
The people of Nightview, some of the Frontier, and thirteen magi-
Svengalf, Esoti, Rhys, TU35-D4Y, Xiao, Christophore, Orik, Kindle, Reina, Rook, Pittwald, Dunsman and Flown
All came forth to bring their fears and hopes, their concerns and wishes, their desire for to bring protection to Meranthe's lands and people.
Oliphr spoke of the purpose to rally, to think, first, on the future and to rend the hope of that land being free from corruption and the horrors of war.
Lending words of Atrellya's potential trickery, of how much more could be lurking in wait whilst the war crept along as a front to buy time.
As those in attendance were left to stew on his words, his fingers wove together lines of pure mana from his shield's cores.
Wisps of all pillar magics, Holy and Occult moved between the attendees, the pillar magic wisps returning to their cores.
Leaving only the Holy and Occult cores to gather the good and bad emotions, as the people began to think on Oliphr's words.
The emotions felt, concepts thought, rending both feared and hopeful outcomes to the two wisps, Oliphr began to speak to the idea of hope and unity.
Raising up his staff, all would witness a banner of pure mana, cascading all magics like a rainbow, etching the design of a star with the Nephilim wings, the names and images of all in attendance, symbols of the divines and the 34 core magics available to magi.
Words to unite the hopes of the people as the Element Core listened, gathering the sense of the people's response...
The Element Core was given enough cause to create motes of light, as little wisps, of the people's resolve for a protected life.
All in attendance were given one of these wisps to remind them of their conviction and determination to protect and live a prosperous life.
Perhaps, with the next attempt, enough belief, hope and people will empower the Element Core to give more than these little wisps to the people of Meranthe.
[Image: cUjQJ88.png]
The people of Nightview and some of the Frontier return, some passing people of Serenity and Londo coming in, as well as seven magi-
Xiao, Flown, Christophore, Pittwald, Jaizara, Shiori and Charlotte
Oliphr continued where he left off, for many, for others, this was the first they heard.
Before, he spoke of resolve to deter and remove the dark emotions from the people, to clear their minds and hearts of fear, sorrow and depression.
Today, he would speak to the future, of all the things that the people could hope for in a world free of this war:
Times of peace, prosperity of their families and friends; times of advancement, new findings and learning new skills; times of carefree life, having simple luxuries like rest and personal growth; times of joy, discussing food, fun and fashion.
The hopes of the many, fueled by their resolve, would create the essence- the spirit of what it meant to want to protect something.
The desire for something better and the conviction to not let doubt cloud their minds. To focus on holding fast in the face of what is to bring change to what could be.
Such desire and aspiration of the people offered the Element Core a purpose to protect something- the future for the people.
With only the hopes and aspirations of the West to draw from, visions of greener pastures and better days of Londo, Serenity and the Frontier, the Element Core saw only the West in need; which was evident by the other nations' absence.
Finding reason to stay, the wisps of the ten elements would follow the people, finding themselves divided, but united in the cause to protect.

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