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Ability & item apps and everything in between
Hello, Meranthe.

In response to the recent thread about the potential, upcoming changes to the application system, I figured I'll throw in my two cents and write my full thoughts on the topic of applications as a whole. Why? First of all, I like playing this game. There isn't a game quite like Eternia, well, anywhere. It's why it matters a lot to so many people and why despite trying, it isn't hard to replace. Beyond that! I think I have quite a bit of experience regarding how the application systems in place (& previous ones) work, as I've previously been tasked with practically running the app team.

So let's get to it.
  • Ability Applications
    It is no secret that ever since the transition from written applications on the forums & the option to apply through the form that was mostly regulated by Chance, there have been quite a bit of hiccups. Applications that seemed to have been missed, applications that weren't responded to until the player finally ticketed to hear that it was already denied a bit ago, and generally? The responses are just not as quick as they used to be.

    I believe this stems from multiple reasons, but the main one is... Burn out.
    Admining roleplay games is a volunteer job. The truth of the matter is, that even if there was pay involved, burn out is something that exists in just about any field. We're human, and it makes sense to feel tired after a while of doing the same job, especially in an intense environment where you constantly need to be doing it. It isn't enough for one person to go through the apps and vote on them, you need at least two more in order to complete them - and that's before the responses are even sent to players.

    It's difficult, but when someone is driven to do it - it's easier.
    Ultimately, what I am trying to say is that it's perfectly fine if application admins are phased in and out more often. They don't have to stop being admins, even, but new blood is essential for these things to run smoothly. If hiring new people for the job isn't desirable right now, you could even allow some of the newer moderators give it a try! Someone taking charge and ensuring that things go well is even more necessary, and previously, there's always been an admin or two that took the reins and fulfilled that role, despite it never being official. It's how you ensure apps aren't missed and forgotten, how sometimes, when necessary, the team is @'d and asked to respond to apps because they've been waiting for too long. There was a time (admittedly with less applications, I am sure) where apps generally did not wait more than 3 days.

    Being generous, five days is as long as it should take. Especially since applications since then have changed in format and are much easier to process.

  • Item Applications
    Item applications are in a much more dire situation, to be frank.
    They take weeks. Genuinely, they take weeks and people not only dread it, but they publicly answer others on the server that yes, it is likely to take that long, and yes, don't expect it to be processed before a couple of weeks pass. It's not rare to hear about someone who's been waiting on an item app for an upwards of three weeks (this includes dev items, which are only a step towards an item/wonder app. I know of someone with a dev item app that was posted more than three weeks ago). Previously, application admins were allowed to approve items without heavy consultation and there wasn't a need for 3 votes as there was / is for ability applications. I am not sure if this is still the case, but it should be. In rare cases, even today, items' stats are adjusted and people generally take it well.

    I think I speak for most when I say that they would prefer for their items to be processed faster even if it means that down the line, maybe, they'll have some adjustments (this obviously shouldn't be the standard, but truly-- is it worse than waiting 3 weeks for a sword only to be approved for it once your character passed away or something similar?).

Lastly, the proposed system-
I hate it. I know it's still being worked on / considered, but still.

The idea of stapling a requirement of 100K exp to a single, exalted Signature is honestly scary. People have lives. People have IRL obligations. They have hobbies, families and friends. The current expectation for a signature in the proposed system is... Out of touch, maybe? Not everyone is a NEET who can dedicate so many hours to the game every day. It would eliminate a significant portion of the playerbase from ever reaching a signature or at least, they wouldn't reach it before 227 RPL... and that's also, without dungeon or quest EXP (not that I think dungeon/quest EXP should count towards the requirement, it just shouldn't be that high!).

As this is still being considered and far from set in stone, I imagine it won't be the case once it becomes official buuut... you know.
Not level 227/100k, keep in mind influence+standout reward+possibly havoc mod can all contribute. So a character that's well received by the community and is an active, high ranking member will have fairly fast tracked progression. There are also Mythics that anyone can aspire for at any level just like the current Signature system, though obviously intended with more scrutiny.

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