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The Consequences
Following the events at The Tower, a man with long, white hair and a large blade roughly the size of a pillar would be seen posting a notice on Arcadia's board.
The contents on it caused rumors to spread, far and wide, beyond:

The actions I’ve witnessed from some have been nothing short of disappointing. Azalea Aubreen, my patron, my mother, well known for her kindness, devoted endless hours to aiding the people of Meranthe in their every need. Countless individuals sought her help, many finding refuge under her wing, embracing the wisdom and kindness she offered.
The same holds true for Solais.
How many relied on Solais to secure their desired futures?
Despite all of this, despite her purity, her innocence, why is it that I constantly find her threatened with harm, placed in positions where she could be hurt? Why do people take her kindness for granted? Why bite the hand that once fed you? When my mother was at her most vulnerable state, some were malicious enough to attempt to take her life, despite everything she had done.
It's sickening
Especially when blood must be shed in the process.
And if we hadn’t secured our victory, if events hadn’t unfolded as they did? What would have happened to our mother? She would have died. 
I almost failed my mother- my patron- as one of her priests, and in a way, I already have, given the current state of Solais. 
It was all too much. For us, for our family, and for our loved ones.
I, Linden Aubreen, on behalf of the Aubreen Name, declare that the actions taken by those individuals were unacceptable.

And with that, I will say this:

To Kakku Alinteau, your actions were terrible, and your greed was evident during a time of great distress. You acted immaturely, especially for someone of your rank and importance. Yet, instead of clinging to prideof remaining stubborn- you corrected your wrongdoings not once, but twice, swiftly apologizing. For that, your apology is accepted. There are no ill feelings between our people and you.

To some of Aegis' warriors, I believed we were on good terms, but I was wrong. I respect your nation and what it stands for, so please, do not worsen our relations. Show us that you are not a threat but a friend.
To the King and Queen of Fortune, you were strangers from beginning to end, and the first impression you made was doing something like that. As leaders of your nations, a position far greater than anyone else I had seen there, you bear the greatest share of my ire. I will not be as friendly or forgiving as I am with others who were present, but I offer you a chance to right this wrong, and if you do not? 
Then I will personally make way to grab you myself.
Turn yourselves in to The Atrium and receive a punishment befitting the crime you committed.

I am not out for blood, nor do I wish to claim the lives of you or your people, but justice must be served.
Use this as a chance to make things better. Don't let it become worse.
And lastly, to those who still hold hope, to those who believe in harmony, do not let these events dishearten you. We have been dealt a significant blow, but there will come a time when we rise again, a time when we can return to what we once were. It will be hard without Solais, challenging without Azalea, but until then, we must make do with what we have, slowly rebuilding to our former state of radiance
For now, until Azalea returns, I will shoulder the responsibility for all matters related to her. Those who relied on her for their work, or sought her advice, I urge you to seek me out. I may not be as great and wise as she, but I will strive to fill the space she left behind."

The Shield of Solais Maven, had put out a statement.

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