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Help Wanted! - Materials Research
(A few posters are spread around the notice boards, advertising a request for help.)
Help Wanted! - Materials research
After recent events, I've decided to restart my research on magical alloys and am in need of help
for some of my research, I need both an assistant and a researcher; both positions are paid.
To apply for the assistant position, you have to be an artificer, of any experience grade. The job
description includes mostly helping with the processing of raw materials and making schematics.
On the other hand, to apply for the researcher position, you have to be either an ether magician or
a metal magician no crafting experience is necessary, but you have to manipulate one of the two elements
on a professional level*.

Assistants are to be paid 2.000c per task
Researchers are to be paid 5.000c per task
If you prove your excellence in either one of these positions, then a higher-paying grade awaits.
Additionally, if you need any help on your own projects, I'll be happy to help, given reciprocation.
If you find yourself interested in this posting, send a letter to Alexander Durant.

*Professional level is defined as being proficient enough with the materials to manipulate them consistently
and in enough detail to deal with small imperfections of the metal, or the theoretical knowledge of how to do so.

Message me in discord @.itus or send me a /message at Alexander Durant.

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