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Rose's Cauldron of Goods
[Image: 7aad2253b5411cbaf4f8ffcf9ff67af4.png]

Rose's Cauldron of Goods

Found at Martyrs' Vigil! (703,455)

Cheapest potions in the Republic! Offering at a FIXED PRICE:
Mana Amensias (2k)
Lodestones (900)
Various Attunements (2k)
You could also find other goodies here from time to time! The only way is to check - come and see!

This advertisement was sponsored by Laurra Rose, Kingdom of Fortune resident and marine.
A new flyer is posted around the Republic in multiple cities.

Rose's Cauldron of Goods now offers two of EACH ATTUNEMENT! It matters not what path of magic you follow - you can find it here! For the cheap price of 2000 Crowns!
And of course, Mana Amnesia's and Lodestones are still at below-market prices, 2000 and 900 respectively.
Visit today! You won't regret it.

This advertisement was sponsored by Laurra Rose, Kingdom of Fortune resident and marine.

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