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Goo Goo Dolls
[Image: d8khccs-56f476c4-60c1-49bd-a913-9e55bff3...fsvo_QOC7U]

In the halls of the Atryellan keep, a witch skips through the halls, swinging their arms from side to side in glee. Behind them are lines of imps. Some carry the bodies of unconscious humans, others carry demons and magical beast, and some even carry stuffed animals and rabbits. All are mangled and spliced together in the Workshop of Atryella.  Occultic energies brew as a ritual brings these amalgamations to life, a horrible macabre of creation. 
"They're so cute! I love them so much!" 
You are a Nightmare Demon forged by Gemini of the Moonfall Coven.
You were forged for various purposes, but first and foremost is gathering essence!
Mechanically, you are an ATRELLYAN DEMON, with every IC and OOC mechanic that comes with it. You also start at RPL 150.
You may take any form you please, however you are urged to take a cute concept and warp it into something terrifying! You're made of the nightmares of children! (Think Chugguims, demonic teddy bears, etc etc. This is not a neccesity, but it does fit the flavor!)
You have the lifespan of a normal Demon - you are not bound by the constraints of time like the night creatures.
Gemini will make sure you are properly cared for and include you in rituals!
If interested, contact Ushirojun on discord!
[Image: tumblr_osc82v2ZQV1rie4kjo1_r1_640.jpg]

The same figure begins to skip through the Atryellan halls towards the workshop. Behind them are several imps holding the corpses of the fallen.  Each is laid down with gentle care, before a hooded figure looks over the pale and rotting corpses. With a grin, the dead begin to rise each of the shambling bodies forming a line towards their new master. Each is handed a potion, aiming to cover both their scent and their appearence. 

"Honestly. Just because you're dead doesn't mean you have to look dead! Come on, darlings!"


-Obey Your Master.
-Obey the higher-ups in the Coven and the Ascendant Demons.
-Always be gathering undeath.
-Stay away from Salem. Don't let her catch you. 
What do you get?
You start at RPL 170!
An active master!
Artificer and alchemist for all your weapon and boosting needs.
Mask potions so you can look however you wish! (THATS RIGHT YOU CAN BE PRETTY)
Will be able to augment you with all sorts of demon rituals.

If interested, contact Ushirojun on discord!
One demon slot has been filled!
Another still available as is an undead!
Two demon slots have been filled.
One remains.

Two undead slots remain!
"They took my demons. Still, nothing but a minor setback. It's been awhile since the forge has been hot, and this time I'm adding a little spice."

[Image: qowzcum9e9q61.jpg]
You are a Night Creature forged by the Supreme of the Moonfallen Coven.
You were forged for battle, but made with the capacity to evolve. You were imbued with a small amount of Chaos Magic.
Those who prove themselves will be rewarded.
Mechanically, you are an Magical Beast , with every IC and OOC mechanic that comes with it. You also start at RPL 180.
You may take any form you please, you are forged with the nightmares of humanity in mind, so take that as inspiration.
Your Master is a alchemist and will buff you with witchcraft.
Two slots are open!
Dm: Ushirojun on Discord!

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