BenyahShimasu's Official Response.
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A poster written in red ink carrying the crest of the Shigenobu had been placed across several noticeboards across the continent, it read:

Quote:"I, Shiri Shi Shimasu, eventual heiress to the Shigenobu clan of Xuefeng, a Marine within The Kingdom of Fortune, a friend of many, a lover, and a guardian of a ward who's safety and protection I always seek to maintain:

Catagorically rebuke the accusations levied upon my name in an attempt to not only sully the reputation of my clan and personal commitment to live in a fashion that is righteous and just, but, to further tarnish the name of those who are, or were affiliated with Midpoint or Xuefeng in any capacity. 

I was informed by the honorable Oracle of Gloomlight that I had been the subject of 'rumors' or for the more politically inclined 'propaganda'. It was further revealed during our meeting that those rumors had claimed I am a witch with absolute certainty, infact, there was evidence indicating this was the case.

"But what evidence, marine?" You ask.

Supposedly, I exhibit strange behavior. I was not informed of what that behavior may be. 

Perhaps it's my affinity for flamboyant attire, or maybe it is my lack of a desire to engage in most discussions.
What I am willing to assume is that since I had been beaten, and held for ransom by Atrellya, it is assumed I had signed a devious pact or something to garauntee my safety. 

Such a narrative can only make sense because of my known former affiliation to Midpoint and the propaganda certain individuals seek to perpetuate to unfairly accuse those who are, or had been affiliated with Midpoint of witchery

This is how far we've come? Accusing former captives of being witches without any solid evidence to prove that fact? I can see why a war almost happened over this. 

This was not the case regardlessPact? I was kicked in the mouth and made to reveal anyone who would purchase me. Little happened beyond that, though such an outcome was alluded to had the negotatiations during my ransom failed. 

To be fair to the Oracle, she stated I would be provided the opportunity to repent and seek redemption had my soul been damned.

Thankfully I was saved from my soul being damned due to the excellent efforts of Alain Ueda and Justia who saw to it I did not rot within that fortess.

 So you can put your accusations to bed. 

And do so immediately,
because if you continue to spread these rumors at my expense to politically influential individuals, there will be dire consequences for you as you are threatening my life and ruining the reputation of those around me. 

I know who you are.

The Oracle has reached within my brain, nay, the fabric of my mind and investigated whatever it is she desired to investigate.

Nothing was found. 

I had even made the bold declaration, I would only consent to my soul being searched if I was tortured and mind was thoroughly invaded to reveal all of my dear secrets

Nothing was found. 

I was held in captivity, my items were taken, none of this I agreed to before hand, but outcomes I had no choice but to accept. The ritual commenced after some time.

And guess what?

Nothing was found.

I'll tell you what I'm guilty of, I'm guilty of being too reckless in my pursuits against the Fel. 
I'm guilty of drinking to much, and working even harder when it's my turn to do my part. 
I'm guilty of doing my best for clan, and my fellow Shengese people.
I'm guilty of standing against injustice
I'm guilty of always trying to provide a voice of reason, and help to others in terbulent times. 

Those are my crimes, you don't need to fabricate anything any longer. Why don't you spread rumors with actual validity rather than fabricated mistruthes made to mislead others and ruin my life, as well as harm those around me? Don't you think alot of people would be hurt if I had been unjustly killed by a witch hunter due to these rumors?

How would you feel if your lies resulted in the taking of an innocent life? You'd be no better than a demon yourself.

Have we truly stooped so low that we don't care for truth but rather what sounds better to villify anyone connected to a city you dislike, or victim to captivity within Atrellya?

But you know what?

I urge leaders of settlements to excercise due process before latching onto these disasterous rumors, as not everyone can be trusting of those who formerly declared war on their comrades due to such accusations.

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