The Death of Valerie Orstein is yet to truly end.
Her beloved Children still live on, but not for long.
For them, she was their world:
All of its beauty,
All of its mercy,
All of its love and kindness.
Alas the world outside has all but killed it.
And so they march on to meet her once more...
Perhaps in another life, they'll be happy.
But for now, a deathly wind wafts from the mainland to Dragon's Nest once more.
Suicide Run, 3 undead to ball till dead at Dragon's Nest
(Danger 2 minimum (increases per fight?); staying until capped)
RPLs: 194, 213, 216
Any low levels wanna get their dangers in and maybe some dev, come get it!
By GOD no rpl 230s, have mercy
7pm EST.