edethaEsoti Liam
Esoti Liam

For his soul is the fires that fuel the forges of progress.
Esoti was born in a early spring day in 2113 in Aen to Sahre Liam and Edward Liam, members of a small, but extremely heretical cult, "Seekers of Eschaton"

In early 2116, the cult was attacked by the faithful in Aen, there were thought to be no survivors.  However, Sahre and Edward did survive, hiding and moving to Serenity in Meranthe, unsure what to do next, they bided their time, blending in with the populace.

Beliefs of the cult
  • Before time existed, Mother Atmos loved all and was peaceful.
  • Kraus detested this peace and severed part of Mother Atmos off, leaving it to fester.  The festering fragment was named Eternia.
  • Kraus created a system to foster mortal's existance, and then placed necromancy, demons, and black magic in Eternia, solely so he would have amusement watching them clash with mortals.
  • Mother Atmos sought to intercede, so Kraus sacrificed most of himself to create a barrier, preventing Mother Atmos's embrace from saving us.
  • Kraus also developed mana to sustain the barrier.  But that alone wasn't enough.  The barrier needed mana to flow.  And so Kraus gifted humanity with magic, so humans would become the beating hearts that sustain the barrier.
  • The only way to return to Mother Atmos is to weaken the barrier enough.  And for that, we need to stop magic.  However, there is no specific plan on how to do this.
Because of this, after Esoti awakened to magic at the age of 14, in 2127, his parents disowned him.

And so he wandered in search of a new home.
Still 2127

Esoti sought a home elsewhere.  He didn't want to risk encountering his parents, and seeing their disdainful faces.  Serenity was out of the question for long term living.

He rented an inn room in Serenity.  Nothing fancy, just a place to sleep.

And so he set his eyes on the closest neighboring city, Londo.

There he wandered the streets, trying to gauge whether or not it would be a good place to stay, when he encountered Victoria A. Kasca.  A child, even younger than he.

At this point, Esoti was somewhat malnourished, and Victoria gave him a hamburger, which he started to eat.

He spoke with Victoria about what happened to him, and some rough outlines of the cult he was in.  At this point, it began to slowly click that maybe the cult was wrong about some things.

As he was halfway through eating the sandwich, Victoria was approached by Maharaba, who accused Victoria of stealing a sword.  An argument ensued in the middle of Londo.  Accusations of the sword being demonic, and occultist were thrown around.  Esoti didn't understand the significance of all of this and just stepped back.

The argument kept heating up, and then Maharaba attacked Victoria with lethal intent.  Victoria came out on top, and then brutally cut off Maharaba's arm in the middle of town.

A traumatizing experience.

Even if Victoria was nice and helpful, he'd never be able to get the image of her ripping an arm off, showering the streets in blood.  Staying in Londo, and remembering those memories every day didn't seem like a good idea.  And so he went elsewhere.

Late 2127

Esoti took some time to learn blacksmithing and artificing, practicing on his own, and refining his talent, though he didn't feel he could make anything actually worth using.

Esoti traveled through Meranthe, getting the lay of the land of all major non-island settlements. Fortune seemed a nice place. Martyr's Vigil was also an option. Gloomlight was a no-go, every time he walked through that unreality gate, he felt like he was going to projectile vomit.

Despite being so close to his starting point, that left Frontier as the last remaining area.

While here, he ran into Phillip. A man who needed some blacksmithing done. Mythril armor. How wonderful, Esoti had just learned how to work with mythril. And so, Esoti took up the job.

It went poorly. Esoti's method of crafting, by placing controlled explosions inside of an ingot to form it worked, while also causing large explosions in the middle of town, sending armor plates flying everywhere through the marketplace.

Just when his confidence was beginning to increase, his failure with crafting the armor kicked him back into the dirt of self-doubt.
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