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We still hate you
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In response with the public declaration of Gloomlight's withdrawal from the war, a statement is issued by Midpoint.
"You are insane if you think just walking away now without paying your dues is an option. Foolish Oracle you have brought about nothing but issues for my company, as such we are due compensation. For the defamation, lies and loss of profit, you owe us three-hundred thousand coins. I expect whoever fed you lies about Midpoint to be brought before me to be tried for their crimes. The final demand is that you, Oracle Loramelian face me and apologize.
I expect an adequate response by the end of the year."
It is business as usual at Midpoint. There are two new stalls for purchase and anyone who wishes to purchase one should contact Madavayanna Gregoris. If you are from Gloomlight, you must pay a higher rent.
The response does not, in fact, require til the end of the year to come:

An in-depth, itemized bill, detailing at length just how much of a loss Midpoint might have expected in property destruction, injury kits, medical care, and other costs from a likely war. The total is well above three hundred thousand.

Attached to this bill, a brief note:

Quote:"Do not mistake our revocation of war as a declaration of Midpoint's innocence. I believe I was very clear that it is instead a declaration of confidence in the Frontier's ability to see Midpoint's Fel collaboration ended.

If you are going to argue defamation for a claim that you are entangled with the Fel, try not openly advertising that the Fel are welcome to come do business in your town."

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