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Half-Roc Grove
[Image: maxresdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEmCIAKENAF8q...yNBt90cKWQ]

Half-Roc Grove

Word has traveled throughout the lands of Meranthe that there has been sights of a new upbringing of nature almost like something was forming there. Many traveling nomads has been spreading word of such a place calling it Half-Roc Grove a place that nature blooms without any faults. A place of pure beauty and a sanctuary for fellow druids.

The Grove seems to have been formed by a Molten Runic Bear going by the name Lex in order to have a spot where nature would go unbothered by those that seek to harm it in any shape or form. A beacon for all people that wish to protect the ways of nature and life.

Rules of the Grove

Necromancy and any act to stop death in any way is not allowed in the grove. (No that does not mean medic are banned for that is saving a life not stopping death as death can still happen afterwards.)

Any magic that messes with the laws of nature and twisted them to one's own will is not allowed in the grove. Arcane magic is banned.

Harming the cycle of nature is a highly frowned upon act and might result in death if caught in the act.

Trying to burn the grove down will result in death.


The grove location can be found here: 380,542,1

Those that wish to help the Grove grow may speak with Lex within the Grove if they are there.

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