SkellytoonThe Mountain Kaiju's
Your Mother

[Image: Mineyo-Face.png]

Mineyo Djulkorren
Keeper of Djulnir

-Had you in secret away from society, just like her own mother did for her and her own brother.

-Told you the
 stories she could about your Grandmothers Taglia Djulkorren, and Tristina Djulkorren who later become reborn as the synthetic Phoenix V1.

-Taught the same lessons Taglia taught her, that Good and Evil are societal constructs that could easily be skewed by ones perception, right and wrong are the ones that mattered most.

-Would happily tell you about your Aunts and Uncle! Them being Hausos and her wife Carnation, Renee, Her Twin Brother Atreus, and your Aunt Perkalas especially. If you can't already tell, family is an important thing to your mother.

-After the Loss of her mother Tristina/Phoenix at the hands of the Atrellyans, especially due to the actions of Raithe D. Folhammar she has become very reclusive and depressed, but does her best to be happy and jolly for you in these later years of her life.

Your Father

You don't know him! Your mother only slept with him to have you, as she like everyone on her side of the family swings for the same team. Womp womp.

And that brings us to YOU! Who are you?:

2 slots! Gender doesn't matter.

-Are around 18 years old.

-You spawn in The Frontier.

-A drakanite, or if you want, specifically a Kaiju, a drakanite that due to a cursed inherited from Grandma Taglia you can not manifest your wings! Your horns and tail however are always outward and proudly displayed (These will be items that will sadly need to be pieces of gear, mostly just a head and glasses slot.)

-You where raised to be a good individual, and be helpful to others, and are therefore EXPECTED to play a a good guy, no evil children.

-While your mom never goes out often to make friends and socialize, she has some who can teach you many things she wanted to learn and encourage you to do the same! And people who she trusts. (Because of the recent trend of people commenting on emporiums, I encourage people do so here to show support if they wish! Otherwise I'll tell you in PMs)

-Have been taught to Dislike of the Fel, Chaos, or anything that harms the Life stream.

-Mains Preferred, mostly due to the things you most likely be passed down if found worthy, two uniques! The legendary hammer Djulnir and Her Freedom, the first being the family's heirloom and the second being the weapon of the de Daum family line which Grandma Tristina respected the last wielder of.

-Sadly the one thing I can't provide is boosters and such, womp womp :c

-Gay Gay Homosexual Gay

If your interested you can reach me on discord, sk3llytoon, to continue and contribute to this amazing family-line!
Giving this a bump! And due time pass you would probably spawn in as 19 now.
Bumping this again, I believe you'd be 20 now
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