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Grabbing Mechanic Suggestions
I posted about this some time ago since it's a reoccurring issue, but: Suggested NO GRAB mechanic here.
Can we please talk about the grabbing mechanic (it's not that urgent, but a Policy reiteration has been made as a result)?

I am going to repost and adjust some of what I have originally suggested and why this is being suggested from the link above:
Add a feature to the options menu for players to toggle "NO GRAB". As in, a feature enabled for your character to be grabbed (unchecked), or not to be grabbed (checked). Disable this option automatically for when a character is captured in an RPB, or even disable this feature when there is an active roleplay battle in the area on auto observe so people can be moved out of the RPB if it's not going to be taken to /privatebattle .


I do not like reporting people over trivial shit like this and potentially breaking off friendships (if they get upset for grabbing me and being reported as a result, since this is a policy) because others can't stop randomly non-consent grabbing me on a whim, especially while I'm AFK/busy and tabbed out or cannot immediately respond.

I tend to stay online due to the funny offline letter + reboot nuking so I might actually receive my IC letters while I'm away and asleep IRL. It sucks to treat that issue ICly, constantly, when my PC is easily found in the game and I don't receive a letter from someone if that happens. I have gone OOC weeks, up to over a month, without receiving any letters unless I'm explicitly online at the time (which was rare), or before a reboot occurred if I was offline! I wish this could get looked into, I don't have any suggestions that might fix it, but yes- I tend to stay logged in and AFK during down time for this reason, many days.

This applies to other people in the community, too, so I'm sure they can also sympathize with the following that might have, as well, happened to them in the past or even recently:
  • I've had a time where someone, in my early days on Hina, grabbed me and set me down somewhere in the wilderness. I was AFK, with a clearly AFK tag above my character's head. A demon tried to engage me in RP. I had to tell them that I was AFK'd in Aphros and that someone grabbed me and took me out there without consent. I was allowed to leave to go back. This was before I knew you could report people grabbing you without consent.
  • I've had other characters grab me while they were slow or speed bugged, causing me to also become bugged and having to relog. Very annoying. This has happened on more than 4 occasions while I have been obviously AFK, with an AFK sign.
  • You only get approximately 1-3 seconds to respond to someone grabbing you and running off immediately without RP of them doing so. If you're AFK? Then you have no chance whatsoever because you're tabbed out or just not at your PC to respond to it appropriately, IC.
  • I do not wish to post in my mini-description for people not to grab me. I generally don't like posting OOC content on my descriptions other than the IC description of my character, and I shouldn't feel obligated to add, "DO NOT GRAB ME," because many people see Hina Lam, get happy, and grab the character.
  • No one pings me to grab me. No one makes a post to grab me.
  • I have had an instance where someone grabbed Hina Lam while I was showing off my freshly made weapon (as a newer artificer and proud of my creation) and it dropped into the upper Z plane and was gone forever. I had to ticket (while very annoyed) to get it completely remade.
  • Despite me telling people plenty to not grab Hina, it still happens- others are not being respectful and I've resorted to reporting it now.
  • (Before someone mentions it) I shouldn't have to be forced to log off to avoid being grabbed by anyone when it's been a policy for a long time now.
I will admit, I was once partially guilty of this - I usually ping the person beforehand, however, esp because 95% of the time I'm doing it, it is because I would like to engage in RP with the character and greet them (I do not do this anymore). Lesser times have been while the other player was active to engage on it, and like 1% was for a shitpost screenshot of me goofing around with a friend, but if it happens from some random PC that I don't know, don't know the player of to request them to stop, well..

Still, this doesn't put off the fact of the above bullet points that grabbing is a feature that could have toggles to avoid being grabbed by other characters at any moment, whether you're active or not because again.... I don't like reporting someone over something so trivial when it's a repeated 'offense' of happening on a constant basis, but it definitely gets pretty old, esp with the slow or speed bugging grab ones.

Again, this isn't that urgent of an issue, and again.. I also don't like reporting someone for it since it warrants a 48 hour ban, but.. it is what it is. I thought this suggestion might be more friendly to avoid that issue because, come on, man.. I don't wanna get anyone banned, but no one respects it. Cry
Support if we also have RPB's immediately and violently throw AFK's out of the arena. Emphasis on the violent. I want to see people get yeeted with the force of a cannon blast.
The ability to grab is too useful to be able to toggle off.

Just ban disruptive players and any issues will quickly fade. I'm not talking about grab/release (that's whatever), but actually moving a character randomly, which I assume is the problem, if IMO a little exaggerated.
Ngl I thought I was the only one annoyed by this feature. Seems like every RP scene I go into, people randomly run up and grab my character, I started to just imagine it’s a hug or something lmao

If someone grabbed me and dumped me somewhere though, I’d be actually mad. So I get the vibe of wanting it turned off.

People need to probably chill on it, glad to see the new policy, hope it makes people think twice
I for one will be blunt, i do with OOC characters i know that are my friends i tend to grab them for 1 second and put them back down and carry on with my characters day

i also remember being warned for doing such

i apologie Astro- But i only do it for one second and just keep moving on with my day- showing love to people i know- like a head pat or such

But other than that- let us be able to grab AFK people or have people with AFK tag instantly get warped to the edge of the RPB box, a NO grab toggle would be nice

but none the less we love you Astro!

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