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Result of High Sentinel Trials & Public Ceremony
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With the conclusion of the High Sentinel trials, things seem to have found a brief period of peace, allowing participants to take some time for themselves and their personal lives. This period of adjustment is much needed, given the lengthy and demanding nature of the trials.

For some, the trials took a mental toll, while for others, it was physical. Yet, undeniably, everyone has grown significantly throughout the process. A list of those who passed is included further down in the announcement. Fliers been shared throughout the domains of Serenity.

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[Image: modern-green-regular.png]
[Image: Test.png]
[Lore Mooney]

[Image: modern-green-regular.png]

[Image: Makuda.png]

[Makuda Nightwalker] 

[Image: modern-green-regular.png]
[Image: 434135.png]
Cletus Klein]
"Can advance to High sentinel without the trials in two years."
[Jango D. Bogard] 
"Can advance to High sentinel without the trials in two years."
[Rosemary Mooney]
"Can advance to High sentinel without the trials in two years."
[Daire Silvanas]
"Still too young to advance further beside being able to become sentinel."
[Rud Silvanas]  
"Still too young to advance further beside being able to become sentinel."
[Raikami P. Kasca] 
"Can advance to High sentinel without the trials in three years if ever desired. Quite helpful and assisted quite well even while not being part of the military truly."

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[Iaunn Thorruhn]
[Denvi ]
[Lowell Lobos]

[Image: Cizgi.png]

Those who passed the trials in full were personally congratulated by the king and encouraged to attend the upcoming public ceremony. Some rose within the ranks, gaining access to begin their roles as the new generation of captains, while others proved their strength, wisdom, and will to overcome their hardships.  

Furthermore, the king also gave credit and special thanks to Dansimar for their assistance during the second trial.

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Serenity's Temple 

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