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[Kingdom of Fortune] Calling of the Fortunate
The Calling of the Fortunate
In the Kingdom of Fortune, rapid growth and recruitment fills the islands with new blood. Heavy military reforms and a newfound effort of development take place.
Culture shifts, changing values, and new aesthetics from the mainland bring forth a new kind of military for the seafaring nation.

The Marines

...And the Maritime Knights
Under the reforms of Crown Prince Marfons Emeraldi, two Knight Orders are to be founded.
These Orders are to provide alternative routes for growth in the military, besides just being a standard marine.
This is intended to encourage growth, organization, and provide a sense of furthered belonging in Fortune's military.

The initial code, aesthetic, and values of each Knight Order will be created by it's founding Maritime Knight Captain.

The first order founded shall be headed by Maritime Knight Captain, Rio Caldrott.

The second order founded shall be headed by Maritime Knight Captain, Camilia Ediernon.
A general captaincy position not related to the orders shall remain to direct Fortune's Marines that do not become Maritime Knights.

But along with these military changes, domestic ones occur as well.

The Island of Korcula
[Image: w7pjc2a6og7.png]
In the southeastern seas, between Nilhirra and Ariltor's Landing, lays a particularly large and rocky island with very little beaches.
With the support and permission of Sovereign Saiya Emeraldi, Prince Marfons has named the island Korcula.

The Kingdom has completely claimed the island, due to it's geographical location in the seas.
Tents and signs made by subjects of the kingdom now litter the island, clearly stating the kingdom's claim.
A name for any future settlement made on the island has already been decided on.
The settlement is to be named...

Rumors can be heard that the prince wishes to relocate the kingdom's capital to this new settlement after he ascends to the throne, and colonization of the island is funded and finished.

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