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Dearly kept.
Adorned in attire fashioned by the finest tailor, the once-dead's core pulsates for a second time; a slumber disturbed by hands most wretched.

You are dead.
You were dead. 

For some unexplainable reasoning, you've been tethered to this World once more, entrusted with a purpose deemed unnatural, utterly chaotic within the simplest terms. 

'To serve,
To march, when the time finally arrives.'

The veil of shadows fades into your mind once more, allowing this realization to settle in.
Finally, you awaken.

yo yo yo this is an undead slot, I have enough for but one applicant as of now, but this will certainly change in the future.
Need boosters? We can help you gather them, and we have allies which are alchemists, as well as a creator who is an artificer.

fluffwise you were created by a big stupid idiot who worships the Deep One alongside some other things you can discover ICly, so you'd be able to get more aquatic aspects, if need be, would likely be geared towards the metaphysical/water attunements but can do whatever tf build you want in actuality.

.. possible void-inspired dev? we'll see, we're all just here to have a good time anyways

dm that boy #sinyoung6087 if you're interested or something

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