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Thunders Warning
In the middle of the night
Many people can hear a bellow.. a crackling of thunder
A storm was brewing.

But what was happening.. its so unknown as many people thought it was just a thunderstorm passing with the seasons.

But that was a lie..


so many people if heard closely could hear the storm, but what likes in wake was something of horrors.

In the middle of the woods was a crash landing of perhaps a Invention, a small Aircraft able to Soar to the skys yet what lies on the forest floor.. was nothing but Ashes.

Bodies of many humans killed and fried to a Crisp still sparking with lightning, the trees around the area completly uprooted as it seems an attack was had in the middle of the night.

Quote:w-who could have done this?! i need- i need to get help! - Random passerby #1
Quote:Wait.. come over here.. i see something.. lets find out what happened -Random passerby #2

What was picked up from the rubble and corpses of the humans that lied before them.. A single Blue lightning feather

Claw markings of a bird it seemed like, but its larger than a simple one

But as the Person attempts to tamper with the bodies and Remains of the aircraft like machine.. a roar was heard as it was getting close!

Quote:Oh no.. its coming back for more, RETREAT BACK TO THE CITY!

All of the passerbys begin to leave the bodies on the floor and the machine laying in rubble as now it is known.. something dose not want people entering the sky.. but who..?

[Image: 90687edc50e640c0ec349ef911aaa7ac.png]


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