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Love of the Forefather
[Image: light-filters-through-window-illuminatin...8-4373.jpg]
"There once was a legend among the Valmasian people from where I hail,
Of a place that was uncorrupted by darkness, Of where Angels and Men stood together before their Fall.
It's there that I believe holds answers to the Question: Can Azrael be saved from the Darkness? Can His Wings be delivered back to Him, White and Pure?"

Malik Elyon, Son of Valmasia, seeks to begin an expedition to a lost land's ruin where ancient spirits still dwell to find answers about his homeland's heritage, and if White Magic may be the Solution to Azrael's Fall. Putting out the call to any friendly would-be Seekers, a few positions open in the party to carry out this dangerous journey that, if they're not careful, they may not return from.
Attendees: Malik Elyon, Aaliyah Tal, Toccata Azraelus, Reaper
Risk: CoD
Reward: White Magic Tome, Artifact of Kraus, Fun Ride! 
Themes: Azrael, Holy & White Magic, Temptation/Sacrifice, Life & Death
DM: Vito
Discord: @Lololosoldier
Extra: Totally up to any creative changes! Surprise Evil Twist? Whoa! 
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