Varesia opens its doors to those in pursuit of knowledge
The newly established settlement of Varesia would like to welcome people from around Meranthe* to take part in its first ever public lesson
The newly established settlement of Varesia would like to welcome people from around Meranthe* to take part in its first ever public lesson
The art of Wayfinding is a complex and often obscure one but one that can open many doors and offer the freedom to travel around the world with few limitations.
Done in two parts, this curriculum will entail a theoretical part which will lead into practical application.
The first course will be essential for partaking in the second so make sure you can make time for both if you are interested in learning the art.
The first course, Theory of Wayfinding, will take place on
Saturday, december 14th at 6pm est
In the classroom inside the keep in Varesia [816,724,1]
(bottom floor, right wing, first door)
*Members of Atreylla, aswell as practitioners of the following: Black magic, necromancy, void magic and witchcraft are not welcome to attend