As a result of a recent event I went on, a handful of Rhoynish slaves -sorry, indentured servants- escaped a Hessalian home. As such, I thought I'd see if anyone was interested in giving playing one a shot! Might get no response, but thats fine, worth trying at least!
The relevant info is thus:
-You'll be an escaped slave from Hessalia, freed during a heist gone-a-little-wrong. You'll have spent your whole life in slavery if you're any younger than 28 or so.
-You're of Rhoynish ancestry, but may or may not have any idea of the culture.
-Its a fair assumption that Theria will be the place in which you reside. The person who freed you is definitely gonna give you the pitch of forming a guild/mercenary company there.
Thats pretty much it. By Chance ruling Rhoynish no longer require apps, so feel free to message Theori#5636 if you're interested! Looking for maybe two or three, max.
Edit: Link to the culture:
The relevant info is thus:
-You'll be an escaped slave from Hessalia, freed during a heist gone-a-little-wrong. You'll have spent your whole life in slavery if you're any younger than 28 or so.
-You're of Rhoynish ancestry, but may or may not have any idea of the culture.
-Its a fair assumption that Theria will be the place in which you reside. The person who freed you is definitely gonna give you the pitch of forming a guild/mercenary company there.
Thats pretty much it. By Chance ruling Rhoynish no longer require apps, so feel free to message Theori#5636 if you're interested! Looking for maybe two or three, max.
Edit: Link to the culture: