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A call to Blood
A few missives are sent out to multiple cities. Despite the writing clearly belonging to a doctor, the writing is still legible. (Even if some words require a squint or two to make out) The messages are signed with an emblem comprised of a pair of dragons serpentine around a physician's staff.
"Greetings. I am Galena Altha, Physician and Craftswomen of Gloomlight. As of late, i have begun the founding of a new project. Or rather, the foudnations of a project that shall grow exponentially greater with time, resources and of course a lot of help. That is why i am writing this message. I am currently seeking aid for the creation of what i have coined "The Cruor Manufactorum."
"In essence, a forge and workshop built from scratch that is dedicated to the immense complexities and intricacies of haemalchemy and blood based artificing as well as the immense power that is hidden within the energies of vitae and blood mana."
"Currently I am seeking the following:
BLOOD MAGES (Naturally): To help with the bending of gathered vitae and blood to create some of the necessary components of the workshop
ARTIFICERS: To lend aid in the creation of the forge and anvil that will be needed along with creating new material for the Manufactorum
ALCHEMISTS: To assist in the creation of haemalchemy related material along with the construction of alchemical tools and equipment for the Manufactorum
VITAE: Those willing to help but lack the means may provide a bloodletting for the collection of this precious liquid mana. Collection and follow up treatment shall be provided on-site by myself."
"Those whom may be interested are welcome to send a letter to me or to approach myself in Gloomlight if you see me there. I do look forward to working with you all on what may be my magnum Opus in the future."
[Image: ade4c0b337b1aa69f1d4a9a55cefa24c.jpg]

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