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The Sefirah
Your Mother:
Holy/Metal/Void Cosmic
Descendant of Mestra
- You know nothing about your biological mother.
Your Father:
Uriah Dominic
Aether & Soul Drain
Descendant of Mortyl
- You may or may not know about your biological father.
- Similar to your mother, you never had the chance to meet him. Information regarding the matter may be limited in your current upbringing.
[Image: keter.png]
- You are human.
- You may choose between light blue hair or black hair, and iridescent eyes or red eyes, usually coinciding with heritage.
- You may choose between Mestra or Mortyl heritage, with the potential for Aether later in life. If you prove yourself worthy for it.
- You can spawn at 11 in 2130AC.

Your Caretaker:
- You were raised under the close watch of one of The Goldlight Order´s high ranks, granting you more benefits and attention than the average ward under the care of the Tribunal clergy.
- Of your parents, if the question ever came up, the only answer granted was that your father died a hero, unlike most that carried the family name, and of your mother little was said.
- You were granted a formal and structured education, the same as other wards of The Order, equally split in focus between academic topics as broached by the Tribunal´s Clergy, and physical subjects as instructed by the local Knights and Men-At-Arms.
Yet you were afforded the unique presence of paid tutors on expanded topics, be it whatever interests you outright mentioned, or in practical court upbringing such as learning to play an instrument of choice.
- Your Caretaker was a common presence in your youth, yet would often be gone almost entire days, leaving you in the care of his aides and adjutants. Yet when he had the time, he would try his hand at being a parental presence, even managing to read some bedtime stories of Valmasian Knights and other such tales from time to time, usually before passing out soon after from the exhaustion of the day.
Beyond them, an ever-present black cat has remained as company throughout your life.
- Your Caretaker did not regularly use any titles so as to call you his own child, yet when others attributed such, he would often not correct them.

One slot.
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