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Serenity- [High Sentinel Trials]
[Image: 64642646246.png]
Since the revisions within Militia of Serenity. Amount of people joined within it's rank increased greatly too. As the traditions dictates. 

It was finally time for; 

[High Sentinel Trials]   

Unlike the regulations followed by other militias, this one involves extra steps to ensure that growth within the ranks is based on valid and well-understood decisions. It requires both strength and mental acuity.

[Image: 656564545.png]
This trial work through a point system to determine hunter's efficiency and also fairness in combat.  Each advocated challenge announced between the soldiers. Where points often that can be counted by the soldier himself through taken notes. 

Allowing them to earn points from one to four points. 

Simple yet effective process. The way in which these points often are earned are by few specific challenges.

Quote:[Aggresive Challenge] 
[Two Point to Winner]
[One Point to Loser]

These challenges often involve a temporary rivalry between two hunters. With the added element of risk, fighters gain access to two points while experiencing the thrill of battle.

For additional challenges. 

[Team Challenge] 
[Two Point for each side]

During this challenge, two groups will engage in a battle against each other. A team fight will test their synergy or simply help to improve it.

[Hunt Challenge] 
[Four Point Regardless.] 
During this challenge, hunters can participate in groups or solo. They will go out on patrol, a task that is riskier compared to other challenges but offers more points, taking into account the risk undertaken by the hunters themselves. 

Each hunter shall be responsible for taking notes of each challenge, considering it can be hard to keep it all tracked in the duration of the trial. The first trial shall occur for around three days at max, before moving to it's next stage.

[Image: 341341351515153.png]Unlike the first trial, as the name suggests, this trial is meant to determine a soldier's wisdom and creativity. Each sentinel will take this test together, and if desired, even Guardians can join to seek a rank-up.

The test itself will mostly consist of a predetermined set of questions that hunters must answer using their thinking and creativity. This trial will be held around day or two after the Trial of Strength, unless complications arise in the process.

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The last trial of this entire process, depending on the preference of the hunter, can be done right after the Trial of Wisdom or the following day. During this trial, hunters are expected to express their journey thus far, their desires, and even their weaknesses to the king.

To be vulnerable and to be heard.

This allows hunters to not only find their inner strength through that very expression but also get a chance to accept themselves. Some might refer to this not as a trial but as counseling, yet it carries such importance. 

[Image: Cizgi.png]

Upon completing every trial sentinels either will receive their second promotion within Militia or simply stay within their current ranking. Entire process if things move properly. Can roughly last around week at most. Where it will be followed by the public promotion ceremony. 

While this information serve as indication of the upcoming trials. Where the offical start of entire thing will be given on the near upcoming days. 

[Date will be announced within upcoming days!]
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"Mhh... It's about time for trials to officially begin. "

Since the last announcements, there have been numerous scheduling issues and increased traffic as the king attempts to make proper announcements. Many papers have been released within and outside the circle of Serenity with the help of Arcane Drones. Without any reach for fel oriented individuals
[Image: Cizgi.png]


-Within the combat trials, you are expected to have diversity upon your decisions while also taking notes. Do not stay within the boundaries of your comfort zone. Be willing to take risks if anything while also following the provided guidelines before hand. Teamwork is encouraged. 

-Upon reaching the second trial, you are expected to be your own creative direction while answering the provided questions. Do not try to copy something out of each other. That will be noted and be used within the final decision. 

-Those do not reached Sentinel Rank yet, still can join in order to test themselves or even earn a promotion in process. They will obliged with same rulings. Later on, such attempt will be remembered and can be used as form of favor to allow those inviduals to progress faster.

With the recent received interest. It is possible for people outside of Serenity to be part of the trials right from it's start.  Yet it would require one to establish a small meeting with the king or one of the wardens in order to join. Unlike the rest, after completing the trial.  Their rewards mostly be based around the markings the most sentinel receive. Allowing them to earn small yet workable boon out of it.  Yet like those part of Serenity. They would be expected to follow same rulings but also have a respectable ethics through out the trial.  As the candidates represent Serenity. Those individuals will be representing their respective nations. High standards are expected to be kept. If not it shouldn't be much of a surprise to get kicked out from the trials entirely. 

[Image: Cizgi.png]

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[OOC: Such day chosen for reason allowing people to set their schedules properly. Both of Serenity and outside of Serenity too.]

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Trials officially started. For those looking to get exact list of people in order to adjust themselves through out the duels within the first trial encouraged to check the news boards within the Serenity's center. Alongside of information it also involve the possible hunt and challenges through the same board as well. 

 Followed by this announcement small addition been made including the wardens of Dune Vanguard. Since it is requested too. During the duration of the first trial it is possible to challenge the two wardens of the militia in order to attempt on earning more points even while losing. Make sure to keep track of each challenge accordingly using either set of paper or a notebook. Any attempt on fraud will be resulting in a indefinite banishment from the trial itself or even from the future ones to come by.  This trial like mentioned before will last exactly three days and will be followed by the exam phase of the trial. Earn many points as you can or simply approach certain situations creatively as you can. Each will change and also determine the outcome of the final decision.

[Image: Cizgi.png]

Wardens can be challenged to fight within the same settings as the other two duels. While it can be a little unlikely to win against them.  Yet, it is still carry a higher point than the regular one on one challenges. High risk, high reward type of setting.

[Winner will earn four point in total.] 
[Losers will earn two points]
[This challenge often can change a lot considering each warden also have their own set of duties to fullfill.] 

[By request, Raikami Kasca and Fantasy Kasca technically become part of this category as well. Yet upon beating him. Only only could earn only three point in total.]
[Image: Cizgi.png]

[For further questions simply approach Rued ICLY or DM boombastic_13, thank you!]
The first day of the trial was more fruitful than anyone could have hoped or expected. Many challenges were present, followed by an unexpected outcome as a magical beast sought a challenge and suddenly unleashed itself by fully going past the restrictions that is been within the trial. Such attempt done upon the one of the promising warriors and also a marksman of Serenity.  "Jango D. Bogard" where he handled the situation with a precision. Earning praise of the king right after.  

Yet, it also seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding too considering magical beasts seems to be lacking the general understanding upon such subjects or is it really the case..?  That's something time will tell. Things been handled peacefully right after.

[Image: Usooppp.png]

Following this news, Sentinel Daliah gave a mighty demonstration of her unordinary skill, overcoming every challenge presented to her and achieving the highest point score of the first day through her abilities alone. Her impressive display included defeating Delphinian Captain Adrian Alinteau in combat. One could only can hope further polishment of her talents within the trials.

[Image: Markf.png]

Many displayed bravery today, each in their own way. Among them was Suliador, who, despite still growing in strength, earned respect of many by challenging Fantasy Kasca. Additionally, there was a beautiful demonstration of skills in the contest between Denvi and Lowell Lobos.

[OOC: In the upcoming days of the trial, more shares like these are expected. Many faces with diverse talents are set to be showcased and expressed.  This is most likely going to clutter the post a little bit but.. It is generally enjoyable to write this. ]
Despite the sudden issues arising from the recent attack, control was quickly reestablished. The warriors of Dune's Vanguard not only investigated the situation thoroughly but also forged defenses to ensure the safety of those in need amidst the heat of the silent expanse. Meanwhile, the Trials continued, bringing a mixture of interesting, impressive outcomes in its first stage. Yet within it's last day. First stage finally ended. Some earned more points compare to other. During this stage, there was many impressed the king by their very actions and even decision making sometimes.

[Image: Cizgi.png]
Followed by this king shared most candidates point with comment of his own. 

[Image: Flwon.png]

Quote:"For you words might be hard to express Flown. Yet, every time I look at you. Despite all the hardships you been into. One not only stay amazed but also happy to have a warrior like you on their side. You proven that, your ultimate defense martial arts proven to be a superior against many and further down the path. Only meant to grow stronger with each passing day.  

Keep it up.  Including me, we are proud of you.

Waterfall Fist of Serenity.

[Image: Daliah.png]
Daliah, I’ve known you since you were a child. Over the years, your hands have become remarkably skilled in the delicate art of medicine. Yet your insatiable curiosity has led you to explore fields that most people never venture into.

Amidst all your accomplishments as a warrior, it is your fists that truly stand out. They have grown stronger with time, becoming a force to be reckoned with—whether you stand as an ally or an adversary. Within those clenched fists lies the very might of the
earth itself.

[Image: Denvi.png]
[For her bravery and effort. 
4 more points been added into her original total 15 points by the king himself.]

Quote:"You never ceased to amaze people Denvi. You have a natural talent for art of war yet I know that is not the path you truly seek for yourself. Maybe, I am wrong by saying that too. Though looking at you. I know you have a great destiny for greatness.  To be someone that you always will be proud of.  You are brave, very brave. To a point you even do not falter after the injuries you experienced.  

Continue to grow. 

Continue to be better."

[Image: Cletus.png]
[Due to his general ability to record things in detail and put very high effort into his duty.
2 more points added into his original total 15 points by the king himself.]
Quote:"While maybe art of war might not be the strongest suit of yours Cletus. It's within endless boundaries for you to explore and polish further as a warrior. You are strong and only meant to grow stronger. 

Yet I must also admit. Your talent to express things a lot more better than many other I met in my entire life. Way you keep track of things, way you even proceed with the knowledge you gather. Your talent within the art of crafting, definitely grow stronger as well. We all are proud of you."

[Image: 5315135156.png]
[For his bravery and talent. Followed by the dedication of his duty. 
4 more points added into his original total 12 points by the king himself.]

Quote:"Your talent grown nicely since from the time you first take a step within the domains of Serenity. Since then my eyes continue to track you to see how far you can push yourself Jango.   You proven that, you are capable of conquer your own fear and not only that but willing to fulfill your duty with upmost devotion as well.  

Greatest marksman of Serenity.
Am I right?"

[Image: 3151351351445.png]
[Due to his willpower and willing to take risks to progress.
2 more points added into his original total 13 points by the king himself.]
Quote:"My second eldest son and also the inheritor of our lineage's flames.  You grown well and I know you will be better. Continue to forge your never ending flame to point of perfection. Stand proud and well."

[Image: 53531167.png]
[Being able to dive into danger without any hesitation and not hesitating to get injured for it. For such talent and bravery.
2 more points added into his original total 15 points by the king himself.]
Quote:"You might not be the smartest one out there my son. Yet it is the will you carry that make you a dangerous and also unpredictable enemy all together. Continue to forge your strength and reach heights that is been seen by no Silvanas before."

[Image: 13513513515134.png]
[Due to his creative talent and also dedication to progress.
5 more points added into his original total 8 points by the king himself.]
Quote:"For me, I believe his approach to battles is something that would most likely come every hundred year or so. While not be the strongest, it is more than enough to impress one within mere seconds alone.  One only could hope that you continue to polish your style within the path of greatness fueled by your drive to become better.  If you are willing. 

We would truly love to see you among us."

[Image: 4353151351.png]
[Due to her desire to do more while keeping a good sportsmanship.
4 more points added into her original total points by the king

Quote:"Since your creation Rose, you showed a great promise.  You often questions the quality of your existence one way or another. Though one could see the work you put in. To reach the level of others when it comes to your strength. Do not worry and keep your head up in air. 

You are doing great." 

[Some honorable mentions] 
 "Like I mentioned before. With such dedication and will like yours. You meant to reach greater heights and my son seems to enjoy your presence even.  Keep it up."
Lore Mooney: 
"I will expect more from you within the next stage of trial."
Chiry Gozen:
"As usual, you are a blessing Chiry.  Proud of you for what you trying to do."
Soren Kasca: 
"You are still a bit young and naive. Little Kasca, yet I know as you go. You are perhaps going to grow into something I would be proud of too. To be better then any other kasca even. My eyes will be on you."
Kai Ashikaga:
"Being a little lazy, mh? Like Lore. I expect more from you."
IÃunn Thorruhn: 
"She displayed a good potential that awaits to be polished and turned into something bigger, stronger.
"Mhh. Next stage will be your time to truly shine."

[Image: Cizgi.png]

While there were still many people, the king himself provided general comments as he observed participants at each stage and reviewed each report. This allowed him to offer fully expanded insights on the events that had transpired. Many participants delivered impressive performances, enough to impress some and even intimidate others.

With the first stage of the trial fully concluded, it is now time to proceed to the second stage.

27th Thursday at 7PM EST
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Second stage  of the trials officially ended.

With the second stage finally coming to a conclusion, each paper was handed to the King for his review and judgement. Points were assigned accordingly. So far, there have been no further comments. However, there is one notable comment from the King, serving as a future reference and perhaps even indicating his genuine surprise.

[Image: 34135135135134134135.png]
" Do not answer history related questions such as the former name of Gloomlight as; 
'Drugs?' as an answer. 
Any answer can be better than no answer but such conclusions.. Shouldn't exist at all too..  That is not good at all.. Remember to come my office to talk about this. You know, who you are." 

Following this comment, date of the third and most importantly final trial also been announced. 

[Image: Cizgi.png]

[29th Saturday, 7PM EST] 

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