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Londo's Maple Academy!
[Image: p7bwceojmx7.jpg]
"It is the year 2122. Thanks to Asterin P. Kasca and the efforts of Non-Magi throughout Londo hired to ensure the safe construction of Londo's new, Maple Academy. Is it with great happiness that I announce it's full opening within this year's time. If not this year, the following. Where all are free, yes free to come and take part in classes of various topics. For those wishing to teach, we're hiring adept teachers in their craft to do such."
"To be specific, you can come aid in regards to Wayfinding, Medical, Holy Magic, or even any specialized Magic and or Faith you feel you would love to pass along to the student body. There is also no age limit. Anyone, is free to be a student. All teachers will be paid for every class they host by me"

"As a teacher you're to host classes fitted to your own schedule. So do so at your leisure!"

"That said, from this moment forward, all my future and ongoing classes will be held within the academy."

"I look forward to seeing those willing to learn, as well as those willing to give back to those whom seek knowledge."

-Fantasy P. Kasca

To discuss teaching positions, DM Vibe_da_kidd
For teachers posting lessons, do so in this thread![Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Teachers & Lessons
Fantasy P. Kasca - Holy Magic, Medical, Wayfinding, Swordsmanship/Combative Teacher

Juniper Lunas - Holy Magic/Medical Teacher

Lexi Equisol - Medical Teacher

Flown - Unarmed/Combative Teacher, Breakdancing Teacher

Sterling Starling - Metaphysics and Telepathy Teacher

Cathrine Silver - Telepathy Teacher, Swordsmanship/Combative, Alacratis Faith and History Teacher

Lore Mooney - Runecasting Teacher

Christophore Garijn - Mortyl Faith History and Runecasting Teacher

Liam P. Kasca - Swordsmanship/Combative Teacher

Asterin P. Kasca - Mestran Faith History and Holy Magic Teacher

Hemera Valmonte - Mestran Faith History, Holy Magic, Medical, Barrier Magic, and more! Find out through attending.

Still Hiring More![Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: 43151351513.png]
Professor flown schedules are posted in Maple billboards.
#Combat lessons.
-Every student that wishes participate must bring a piece of paper with data involving the student, this will be taken by flown to keep track of his students progress and to have easy quick source of information, and the strucutre of which the data will be organized will be updated as the classes go on.

-This class is split the learning material in 3 categories, beginner, intermediate and advanced, where they are linked on how difficult can be for one learn.

-This class plans are aiming have every end of class spars between the studends, and also plans having aggresive fights, when the advanced content is beginning to be teached.

-The agressive spars are not obligatory and work as a complement of the teaching plan

-Any student that is under the age of 15 (childs and young teens) and wishes participates of spars (not theory class), must bring a signature from an responsible, or from fantasy kasca.
-Any student under age of 18 that wishes participate the aggressive spars, must bring the signature of a legal responsible giving permission, and understanding the risk of injuries, minors without a responsible, are instructed get signature from Fantasy kasca
-ooc: we will be focusing mainly on ic, but ooc knowledge about verbing shall also be discussed oocly sometimes.
#Teaching plan
Beginner material:
06/25 5pm est tuesday
1º class, introduction to combat. Will be teached:
-Basic knowledge involving how magi use their magic
-Most common movements and tools in an fight
-The explaning of classes and categories of magi: Agressive, Balanced, Defensive, Resilient. Mage,Melee,Hybrid
-Collect of the students files updated at the end of explanations
-Spar between the students in the end.
07/25  5pm est wednesday
2º class, Stimulation to creativity Will be teached:
-Insight needed for one magi see his curret tools, and how well use them.
-Training plans for improve the body of a magi
-Spar between students amiming stimulate their creativity using their magic.
-Update of eveyone files
08/25  5pm est Thursday
3º class, Gear and potions choice to fight. Will be teached:
-The kinds of gear that exist, be defensive of offensive
-Diferent potions that assist one in battle
-Spar between students
-Update of everyone files.
The teaching plan of Intermediate and Advanced are still being properly adjusted and may have changes due feedback of the 3 classes.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
Someone has left a note, hammered staright into the freshly renovated brickwork, right next to the entrance of the academy. At least one of the bricks is already ruined because of this. The letter itself seems to not be handwritten. Seems like someone invested into a typewriter. 

Quote:I have said that I might teach. Not that I will teach. You could have gone over this with me further first and should have.

Frankly, I don't even know why you put me on your open list like this, on the same day you brushed my stress about the timecrunch I am already under by simply saying 'go rest, bye'. Twice. Along with brushing off other concerns and issues I had.

I do not have time for this, nor do I care about teaching big open lessons like this. If anyone wants what was advertised here, you are free to send me letters or come annoy me when you see me wandering about. I am already teaching some of you about runes and runecasting when I have the time afterall.

This isn't going to happen here. And you cannot pay me enough to reconsider.

- Chris

Oh dear. Sounds like the first drama of the new academy has already started.
(06-20-2024, 09:01 PM)VibeEntertainment Wrote:
Teachers & Lessons
Fantasy P. Kasca - Holy Magic, Medical, Wayfinding, Swordsmanship/Combative Teacher

Juniper Lunas - Holy Magic/Medical Teacher

Lexi Equisol - Medical Teacher

Flown - Unarmed/Combative Teacher, Breakdancing Teacher

Sterling Starling - Metaphysics and Telepathy Teacher

Cathrine Silver - Telepathy Teacher, Swordsmanship/Combative, Alacratis Faith and History Teacher

Lore Mooney - Runecasting Teacher

Christophore Garijn - Mortyl Faith History and Runecasting Teacher

Liam P. Kasca - Swordsmanship/Combative Teacher

Asterin P. Kasca - Mestran Faith History and Holy Magic Teacher

Hemera Valmonte - Mestran Faith History, Holy Magic, Medical, Barrier Magic, and more! Find out through attending.

Still Hiring More!

"After further looking into something. Christophore will not be teaching. If you seek any of the aforementioned topics regarding them. Simply seek them out of your own accord when you see them. That is all, the list has been updated otherwise."[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
6/24 6PM EST[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Telepathy lesson Classes
Instructor: Cathrine Silver

The Basics: Tuesday 6/25 
Time: 8:00 PM EST

Quote:What's the class about:

1st: Students will learn the art of telepathy and how it is obtain/used
2nd: Students will learn a brief history of telepathy
3rd: A molding of ones magics and learning ways to mold mana waves in your own unique way
4th: students will demonstrate and attempt to connect minds with a partner at short range distance

Intermediate Telepathy Course 6/28 
Time: 8:00 PM EST

Quote:What the class about:

1st: Students will be given a small revise and relearn of the basics
2nd: Students will be given questions on in what ways telepathy can be used other than communication
3rd: Students will move farther away from their partner of choice and attempt long range linking/communication
4th:Students will be given challenges and attempt to overcome them and form a communication while these challenges hinder them

Students will be offered and if willing free prayers and occult protections under alacrities at the end of the classes if they ever desire.

Medical Arts 1: Introduction to Field Medicine & First Aid
instructed by Juniper Lunas
Tuesday, June 25th at 6:00-7:00 PM EST
Time: 1.5 hrs
[Timing will be strictly enforced to allow for students to attend the other classes this day; I will post every 15 minutes. Please save your logs or takes notes of this class if you intend to apply for medic. The purpose of this class is to give characters direct medic dev through IC exposure to the information listed on the medic guide.]
[Image: black-caduceus-png-13.png]
Flyers are posted on Maple Academy's message boards, indicating a class has been scheduled!
Attention Prospective Medics of the Western Front:
Medical Arts 1 will be held soon!
Attend to learn about:
-medical arts vs. healing arts
-using magic to amplify medical arts
-the golden rules of medical arts
-scientifically accepted treatments for common field injuries

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