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Gloomlight Medical Lessons
[Image: o3B6zKV.png]

Over Gloomlight, a small notice has been put on the boards of the Holy-Nations Hospitals and Clinics, idly talked about by the non-magi and weaker magi doctors within. While nothing too groundbreaking, for those looking to acquire skills and knowledge of a medic, it may be of interest.
A number of new and old faces have asked for medical lessons lately, and it has been awhile since I have done a public class. The world can always use more medics, and a Montelione must serve their noble function. To those who care or desire to learn a doctor skills, who want to treat and tend to others, I will be beginning another line of public classes, to the end of what will hopefully be certification. Open to all except the Fel, come if you want to learn, at whatever knowledge level, be it high or low.
The first class will be about what it means to be a Medic, Common Precautions, and a few other foundational subjects.
First Class: 6/10/24, or next Monday at around 8 PM EST
Another Post is made next to the others, of more dates to come.
The Second Class is to be be held on 6/12/24 (Wednesday) at 8 PM EST. In this class, I will go over common types of wounds and the potential mundane and magical applications you can apply to heal and tend to them. If you are attending Fantasy's Wayfinding Class and it is not over at that time, do not worry, it is fine to be late.
The Final and Third Class will be held a month after, on 6/13/24 (Thursday) at 7 PM EST. This class will contain a quick refresher of the Magic Circuit, Soul, and Essence. After that, you will learn how to perform Magic Circuit Scans and set the foundations of treating Circuit Injuries.
Finally, for Certification, either with me or another mentor, you will show your skills on a patient in a live treatment. If you are ready and fit, we will certify you.
If you cannot make one or two of these classes, don't worry! We can always set up one on one teaching sessions, or so on.
Another set of papers are posted next to the rest after a few years have passed. Full of clean and neat text, so do they declare...
Its been a few years, but the field of Medicine and Doctors never stops. I've been getting asked for lessons once again, and so I will serve as a Montelione should. For those who can make the time, if you desire to learn how to become a Medic, I am holding a public class in Gloomlight, more to follow soon after. Be there if one desires. If you cannot make the time, do not worry. There should be more after, or reach out to me through letter.
Public Medic Class: Gloomlight - 7/30/24, 6 PM EST
Old papers are cleared from the boards, fresh ones replace them.
A new set of lessons are in the works! Same as always, for those interested in being taught in the field of medicine and active practicing, Medical Lessons will be held in Gloomlight, same as always. Be there if you can, albeit if you cannot, there should be more in the future.
Public Medical Class: Gloomlight, 1/7/25 at 6 EST (Tomorrow on a Tuesday)
Next Lesson: 1/14/25 (A Tuesday) at 6 PM EST

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