ValroseEmpireWill of The Shattered
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Through the commingling of two, one is brought about. One who'd been studied in the ways of old and seeks to return to such. An observer, before all else. One who has had the chance to enter the world and take upon themselves the journey that awaits. From feathers and havoc, would one rise from the ashes. From what many would see as a hideous ending, a new fruit would it bear in the end.

A seed planted and a new tree to grow. One to overtake the old and become something more, something that perhaps the world had long been overdue. From the Martyrs vigil to the sundered enclave would one travel, making their name and making their connections. Spreading about the name of Ymir, studying cultures for what they were. Through them did ambition burn as bright as their flame.

A home made away from home at the sundered enclave where they've chosen to study, where they have chosen to spread their influence. Where their tale may truly begin.

So that their people, their history may not be forgotten.

Tis but a story of The Jötunn.
Chapter ll: Book of The Giants

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With time does one grow, with time does one learn. It's been two years since the departure of the young Jotunn from Martyrs Vigil. Gifted with the art of traveling, they'd make their way swiftly about the continent. Meeting friend and foe alike. Battles had to harden their young body, wins, losses. Both teach them things they need to know of life, both teach them the world does not revolve around them. They are susceptible to danger just as any other. Along the way, had they joined up with the military of The Tens Citadel. For what better place would there have been for one that worshipped Ymir? The art of smithing has come naturally as well, for in their blood they know to craft is to pray.

Time taken, getting to know those of their extended family. Names and faces they would not soon forget. Aud, Idunn, Stienar, Aeric, Ston. And with time, revelation of new information. After the two years of their presence and service had passed, they'd come into contact with a man named Renfae. From them would they be introduced to a relic that held grave importance, The book of The Giants. A sentimental piece to all that'd shared the blood of Ymir, surely. Upon it's pages are the history of many told. The history of those that had the goals of uniting all under a banner and protecting the home that is Vdalion.

Upon it's pages are told one who's story ended, Succumbing to Havoc. Though still fighting to see their home cleansed and returned to them. Only one part of such an effort completed before their end. Revelation would see one such as this to be named Bartholomew Wilkins. And in his story, those that surrounded him. A true giant, a man called Father by the red haired nephilim...and with their help would Jolnir be able to fit the pieces of such a puzzle together. Their mind twists and turns, unsure of what path to take as they'd now known the truth about themselves and what they'd needed to do. A story told that'd included them as well, The book of Giants.

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Chapter lll: Recognition of self

Who, am I? One would begin to question themselves after years pass. Turmoil follows with the loss of those familiar faces. Grief, rage could settle in easily upon a soul. Especially one born into such as is. Was I born to be a foot soldier? Forever trampled over? Used for my strength and acknowledged no further beyond?


I am more than this. From my father, a legacy was to be left. To be upheld, so such is my path. It is proven to be day by day, by those that show recognition naught. They all falter, but WE will not. Together will we come to see the mother land returned to us. There is no place in any other nation for us. There is no place for weakness, amongst us. So, we will take what is rightfully ours.

Fully recognized as The Heir of Ymirholl. Such is where their seat would be taken. Grace, given to those that would surround such a vessel. With things seemingly settled Amongst The Citadel in their darkest hours, his presence would no longer be needed. So, it would no longer be.

The departure of one now holding self recognition would be swift. They move forward on from Aegis, onto greater pastures and deeds. To restore The North, as his father before him would have.

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