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2121AC - Summer Waltz - Public Event!
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Summer Waltz
Adrian Alinteau & Melionette Meandersong are hosting a waltz in the name of Summer and Unison!
One is recommended to bring a gift for their first dance partner, of whom will be random.
In the event attendees are odd, anyone without a dance partner may dance with Melionette!
Location: Dal'thala Royal Ballroom [ 436, 855, 1 ] [ Room furthest to the East ]
Date: June 6th, Thursday
Start Time: 5 PM EST
it's okay to show up late!
[Image: ddu42nw-c5088819-52f1-420c-8c44-f259aa7f...RzL9FCGrI4] 
Invitation Details
Dress Code:
Dress to impress!
Formal, Flowery & Party Aesthetics are cute and desired, but not mandatory!
Banned Attendees:
I. Occultists, Fel and Demons!
Invited Attendees 
(So long as they do not infringe the above):
I. Dal'thala Residents.
II. Allied & Non-Hostile Nations.
I. Opening Ceremony
A small speech, and light refreshments.
Attendees are invited to make any announcements to the other attendees!
[ OOC: There will be a slot for Characters to come up and say their piece if desired. ]
II. Dance & Song Exchange
Attendees will be given a random dance partner: if they have brought a gift, they can give it to them!
There will be a period of music, but when the music quietens for a moment and the trumpet sounds, you are to switch dance partners!
While not mandatory, one is encouraged to sing a small song with their partner or, at the least, exchange some words!
[ OOC: It will be announced in narrate who dances with who every 'DANCE ROUND' !!! ]
III. Closing Ceremony
A small closing speech, with well-wishes.
 There will be a small competition at the end, of which attendees can vote for other attendees to win the titles of:
I. Best Dressed
II. Fanciest Footwork
III. Best Songstress / Songster (Melionette Banned)
IV. Best Dancing Duo (Two Winners)
They will receive some summer-inspired song pendants made by Melionette, and a small sum of 2500c!
[Image: ddu42od-9de00a06-9131-483a-8626-6c630348...aaySzhMFOk]
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The Dal'thala Ball Room somehow survives a night of Summer, Unison and Dance.
The host did not. Onlookers will note at some point she lulled off to sleep.
The victim of sleep testifies: 'The world was singing very kindly to me in that moment.'


Votes seem to now be being collected.
The spirit of dance must prevail, after all.


[Image: no%20dumb.png]

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