AnimeFortuneteller Daemon Seeking Players!
[Image: 08de29616d1bed86cef10c9dcd588852.png]
"Care for a fortune? I-I mean- fortunetelling..."

Thin flyers had been sent originating from Gloomlight, reaching from settlements to the east of Martyr's Vigil all the way out to the west via the same proxy that handled messages(may the taxes be little). Included at the top of the flyer is the face behind this advertisement to the masses, with intention for not just idle entertainment, but assistance with helping the up and aspiring Fortuneteller of Nought in their practice.

Hear, hello ye! My name is Peregrine, I'm a fortuneteller daemon. I wish to offer my services of providing you with simple foresights, advices of fate itself and food for thought of the future or for the future! There are no prices involved, and the only exchange is that you help me with improving my practice.

Additionally, I offer a special service for Priests of faith who's in need of help with their own practice of faith. To practice integrating fortunetelling with my faith, I'd attempt to perform and try new methods corresponding to yours! E.g. Attempting Astromancy or Astrology-based tarot spread for those of Gala or Leonaus.
(Basically, same as normal fortunetelling but handing you full faith that I gained from it.)
(Make sure you are of Priest level so I can channel them fully.)

Send a letter to me, Peregrine, if you wish to seek foresight or to help my practice, or visit me in Gloomlight!
(OOCly. DM Icecraft or icraft343 on discord if you want a scene or wanna help a fellow faith grinder. :,3 )

I can get you different kinds of advices or foresight if you're looking for something specific. Here are some examples :

Job Hunting Spread :
[Image: d6704d2e0ea9f5bdfd854f1afaaa36b3.png]
"For the wanderers or adventurers of Meranthe seeking their path or looking for a job in any way!"

Three Card Spread :
[Image: aca229180f3311bef02775356efe9564.png]
"Not sure what to ask but need to go somewhere? This is the spread for you! It can be about your Past, Present, Future. The current Situation and it's Outcome. Or how an Idea of yours may turn out!"

Asperan Cross Spread : 
[Image: 3955533e1af860d8122440e7839a2905.png]
"The famous Asperan Cross Spread. Another one that can be chosen if you're not sure what to ask, but in need of a deep insight into something."

[Image: 203db92ccf776bd45b1c6f001c7b29be.png]
"..-. --- .-. / .--. --- ... - -....- -- --- .-. - . -- / ... .. - ..- .- - .. --- -. ... .-.-.-"
"For help reflecting on the past actions or after the end of a very intense situation! The Tarot spreads are always my favourite because of their theme surrounding Journey and Arcana."
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