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Talent Contest! Meranthe's Got Talent?!
Following the previous flyer advertising the opening of Londo's Royal Theater came another. Glaringly, it was attached behind the first by glittery, pink staples that read:

[Image: s7czeyI.png]

When: Friday (4/19) at 6 PM EST
Where: Royal Londo Theater, the heart of Londo's entertainment district (198,668,1)
Entry Fee: 800 Coins for contestants (there will be ten slots total, so it is first come, first serve!)

"Prep yourself to dazzle or be dazzled! The Royal Londo Theater is sending a callout to aaaaall aspiring stars and seasoned performers to showcase their talents at the newly opened Royal Londo Theater this Friday. Whether you sing, dance, juggle, or have a unique act to perform, our stage is your canvas, and the audience is your judge!"

Contest Details:
Join us under the maiden dome of the Royal Londo Theater for a night of unforgettable performances. The audience will serve as the judges, so bring your best act to win their hearts and the grand prize!

Rules and Regulations:
1. All participants must register via Friday (Frivida Valmonte) with the deadline being Thursday, 4 PM EST.
   - Entry fee of 800 coins must be paid at the time of arrival!

Performance Guidelines:
2. Each act will be allowed an introduction, what brings them to the talent contest, what inspires them to do said talent, and then they will have a maximum of 10 (in-character) minutes on stage to perform. (PLEASE HAVE WITH SOME KIND OF PRE-TYPE READY AHEAD OF THE CONTEST!)
   - Performances must be suitable for a general audience – keep it clean and respectful!
   - Use of witchcraft or fel magics will get you arrested. Don't do it, dude.

Judging Criteria:
3. The audience will vote for their favorite performances.
   - The act with the most votes at the end of the night will be declared the winner.

4. Open to all individuals except those of Fel alignment or those with known evil affiliations (duh!). The Royal Londo Theater reserves the right to disqualify any participant on these grounds and are not responsible for the following arrest and potential execution of these individuals.

5. Participants (and audience!) are expected to maintain professional behavior at all times. Disruptive conduct may result in disqualification and removal from the theater.
  - Respect for fellow contestants and theater staff is paramount.

6. Grand Prize: Now the fun part! Let's saaaaay ... 20,000c for first place, 10,000c for second and 8,000c for third! With some neat trophies!

"So c'mon! Showcase your talent in front of Meranthe's art scene, or those that want to have a good time. Register now and let the magic begin! Merry meet, merry part, until we merry meet again, y'all!"

[Image: nsjxCFW.png]
"You know whaaaaaat? Let's double those prizes, shall we?

40,000c for 1st place, 20,000c for 2nd, and 16,000c for 3rd! Slots are still open!"
"As of riiiiight now, there are three entries, so there are seven more slots up for grabs! In retrospect, I should have set up this sign-up sheet earlier, tee hee!"
"Five sign ups taken, and five more to go! Get 'em while they're hot!"
"Alrighty, that's that! The sign-ups are closed, and the following people are listed in the slots and the following order: 

1. Raikami P. Kasca
2. River Valmonte
3. Melionette Meanderwalk
4. Rosa Emberstrum
5. Sunsets over Moonlight
6. Lucianus Galius
7. Akari Kazuma
8. Frivida Valmonte Friday
Womp womp. I aimed for ten contestants, but eight is, like, just as great. We're not quite a full deck of cards, but we've definitely got some aces here. Be sure to have a short introduction and your special thing ready for this Friday, kay? Good luck!" 
[Image: hoshino-ruby-oshi-no-ko.gif]
"Whoops! Going through the growing pains of working out kinks for how to do sign ups. Turns out we have a FULL HOUSE. Here is the updated and final list:
1. Raikami P. Kasca
2. River Valmonte
3. Melionette Meanderwalk
4. Rosa Emberstrum
5. Sunsets over Moonlight
6. Lucianus Galius
7. Akari Kazuma
8. Friday (again! Big GrinDD)
9. Naérei
10. Lauritz Gozen

For real this time. Let's rock."
"Yo, check it! The contest was a biiiiiig success! A big thank you to those that attended, and a special congratulations to the winners:
1st place: Melionette Meanderwalk
2nd place:Raikami P. Kasca
3rd place: 
The 2115AC Meranthe's Got Talent contest is concluded! See you for the next one, and tune in for any other neat events at the Royal Londo theater for the future! Tee tee why el!"

[Image: lA0u1zf.png]

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