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Bastion Announcements
[Image: otWq_3hBSstJZsO159cbpqHrygA0sOeEFNfAhZfz...OGuYaDEnxI]
2112 AC

With the selection of a new Commander of the Bastion, Ezra immediately moves forward 
with long-time held plans to reform the Bastion as a true guiding force within Meranthe. Effective immediately:
  • All who desire to become a squire within the Bastion must prove knowledge of Athelios in some shape or form. For Aphros’ Bastion was always a force aimed to protect the Sacred State from both inside and outside threats, as per the Ordinance’s Doctrine.
  • Any Squires who wish to be promoted to the rank of Knight must go through three separate trials:
    • Combat - Are you able to withstand the crushing pangs of defeat? Are you capable of standing back up after feeling those crushing pangs? This is your test, to ensure the Bastion does not harbor cowards or those who give up easily.
    • Knowledge - Are you aware of Aphros’ long history, and how the old Sacred State was first established? Can you name the Oracles of old? Do you know how Gloomlight Grove and the version of Aphros within Unreality was conceived? The Bastion does not desire those who don’t know the very place and people they’re protecting, after all.
    • Loyalty - Would you turn tail and leave the moment something ‘better’ comes along? Or will you grit your teeth and stick with your calling as a Knight through thick and thin? The Bastion does not wish those with fickle loyalties, after all.
  • All reports submitted to either Astra Captain (pending replacement selection by the Commander) or Umbra Captain are to be sent to the Commander as well within written format. Failure to follow this will result in corporal punishment. 
  • Squires are not to be promoted to Knight until they become sixteen years of age, and are forbidden from fighting on the Frontlines of any wars until that age, regardless of rank.
  • All current Squires are to send a written letter to the Commander effective immediately, and with who their appointed Knight is - unless they’re lacking one. In which case, one will be assigned.
  • All current Knights are to send a written letter to the Commander effectively immediately informing him of where they fall upon the spectrum: Astra or Umbra.
Ad astra per aspera.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]

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