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03-26-2024, 06:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2024, 06:42 PM by Titania.)
An announcement, called urgently. Word from the Oracle to gather, to hear her speech-- so rapid is its' assembly that there is naught but murmuring as towards the topic of it all. It is but a few hours after the call, that she makes her appearance-- offering yet another of her growingly more common speeches.
Her voice is thunderous, filled with conviction and wroth and fury, as she renders forth her proclamation.
Quote:"One of mine has had their sight taken by one of yours. You proclaim that you will 'raze our blasphemous city to the ground', that you are righteous."
"Hear me, now. And hear the truth. Listen to the so-called virtue of those who would proclaim themselves righteous. See the heirs of Dawnstone in all their glory, repeating the mistakes of the past-- falling to darkness and serving the forces of despair."
"Vokel Hiraeth. Son of Evate Hiraeth, under the guise of Vosa Liadan. I name you as you are-- agent of the coven of Denath. I have torn the memories from the mind of one of your contemporaries, and I know your sins. When you were named Speaker, you dragged Lucky to your master, Melione Hiraeth, and gave him a choice-- sign the contract that ensured he would never aid in the removal of you and yours, thus ceasing to be a cambion, or die. You infiltrated Aegis, acting the penitent, manipulating them to push forward the agenda of your coven. You attempted to assume complete control of Prospera, that it may be a bed for your covens' actions. Sabathiel refused to investigate you-- proclaimed that your fantasia addiction was the product of your environment in Prospera. I dare not imply him a knowing accomplice, but I know that I told him of what you are personally after you were captured by Aphrosi forces, after a Nethradin named you as a witch. How hilarious, that it was the other way around-- that you introduced the drug to the city, not they to you. That you were the black seed that saw it begin to fester unto something evil. You now move on to the Dragon's Nest, to work your masters' will there. This, I know, oh, this, this, I know."
"I name you as you are, witch impenitent, and on my honor, you will face justice for what you are. You will be naught but ash."
"Arnet Dawnseeker, knowing aide. You are aware fully of what he is. He has told you. This, I know, oh, this, this, I know. You and your children know exactly what darkness festers within your halls. You know full well who he is, what he is, and what he serves. You, who fought against the madness of your brother, build a haven for a different force of darkness on the grave of the kingdom he destroyed. Your children, as well, are fully aware of his status as a warlock, and yet have the audacity to defend him and proclaim our realm blasphemous as they assault our people in the wilds. They declare themselves righteous, as they knowingly protect a witch impenitent, who refused to be tested by Azalea alongside the likes of Katrina and Kassius-- also members of the same coven."
If you have any honor, you will render Vokel unto my flame or Eivor's axe for immediate execution. I am no longer accepting half-measures. I am no longer willing to negotiate with active aides of darkness and death. If you do not? If you continue to defend this agent of greed? You will announce to the whole world just what you value."
"And you will find my answer in kind."
And with that, the Oracle departs, her decree heard by all. It would seem she is not overly happy, to say the least.
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A secondary announcement follows the first. One delivered by a white-haired synthetic.
In life, Tristinia Djulkorren was asked by Bartholomew Wilkins to investigate Prospera for signs of witchcraft. In life, she narrowed in immediately on one suspect: Vokel Hiraeth. She confirmed his status as Evate's son, and his usage of Fantasia. Whilst she could not confirm whether or not he was a witch, she did confirm meetings with the Fel that were quite suspicious. This information she turned over to Bartholomew and to the Aegis, who promptly said that Arnet was handling it, that she wished to 'redeem' the man.
That has not been the case. The Hiraeths grow bolder, and those of Dragon's Nest not only assist Vokel, they seem to share in the corruption. If you would say this is not the case? Then I urge everyone: Listen to the Oracle. She speaks true. Her words confirm Tristinia's investigations and shed a deeper light on suspicions.
With all this said, the synthetic leaves her notice posted in public places.
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It is followed by a third.
This letter, however, is not physical in nature. As a thought-construct would in the benighted Realm of Unreality, the letters form in the physical spaces where they would be seen.
Without a care for borders, the missive of the Archon is made manifest.
Quote:![[Image: tumblr-2c03ac5e88f3d898b26e3d13da9efaac-...6-1280.png]](
This letter is courtesy of the Archon, the being formerly known as Na'Ria, who now bears no name.
If you are reading this, it is intentionally so.
You may be wondering why, of all people, I am speaking on this matter.
Whoever Vokel Hiraeth is, it doesn't truly matter to I;
I am quite old, and these new names and faces escape me so dearly.
But the Hiraeth family is one I have watched, observed, and understood for quite some time.
What may be missing from the equation is a simple question of 'why'?
And to answer it, I must first explain myself.
I, as the reborn being, have retained my memory of the past self.
Many questioned why this is, and if I truly am different for hosting the memories of the demon I no longer am.
Many speculate that the ploy to keep my demonic self's memories is because I did not wish to change.
It is quite the opposite.
Now, allow me to tell you a story about a little owl.
This owl, the young, demonic Na'Ria, a Tera-class demon.
Diavol, Grisha, and Mariona-
two of the strongest Kaor-class demons after Ragnarok, and Varrach's strongest undead, hosting Coronacht, for you youngers needing a history lesson-
moved to confront two Drakanite women over something of great import.
The first, Ulfhild Avintess, a name that has largely fallen to the wayside, except as a damnable surname;
the second, a woman by the name of Sorcha, who protested her father's actions-
I do believe the phrasing was something along the line of 'dad's fuck-ups', forgive my language-
in the negotiations of a blade.
This blade was not an ordinary weapon,
but Fateweaver, the Kaorblade of Sak'noth, the freshly-slain Imperfect, and the Lord of Change.
Sorcha's father, Orphee Dawnseeker, slew him in the flames of Ragnarok.
And with it, Sorcha was not seen again...
I have quite the reason to suspect the nature of these protections;
the Dawnseeker name is the very same as the Hiraeth name.
Melione Hiraeth, you may have thought your tracks ridded,
but you truly are as impulsive as a sin-apparent like you may be.
It is quite a shame I've had to reveal my hand as this.
Truly, I did hope that the crone had keeled over, what with the undue stress of slithering in the dark for the past sixty years.
But as I have changed for the better, as I hope I have demonstrated-
she has done nothing but fall further into depravity, leading to this situation here.
My Oracle, Ysayl dul Vique, is quite the astute one, yet a further picture must be clarified.
Apologies for the intrusion, if ever there was one;
I merely had to expunge this information at the most opportune moment.
Thank you for your time,
and may penance come in peace."
![[Image: raf-360x360-075-t-fafafa-ca443f4786.jpg]](
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Quote:"My oh my.... Sharing stories are we? May I be included?"
Let us begin with Lucky Luciano, shall we? Forced to sign, oh my, what a laugh.
Lucky Luciano came to my doorstep begging to be changed from a Cambion to a Drakanite in order to better fool the likes of Gloomlight and Aegis. To be able to keep up his facade as a redeemed man. Don't you fools know how contracts work? The unwilling cannot sign.
Lucky Luciano fed me information from every single nation and did it with pride until when...? Until he came seeking to break the second half of his contract begging to become a Lich, begging for a second contract to aid in his phylactery. I should have made him into a Razuka with how he turned into a rat once he did not get what he wanted.
Oh- And I'm certain he never mentioned he had possession of the Mori book of shadows until the day he died, now did he?
Take your false redemption and politely dissolve it. This man played you until the day he died to get what he wanted.
He wanted revenge because he didn't get his way. He didn't give a shit about you.
But let's move on!
Quote:![[Image: c69e5ba817d8810203ec9ad6a17c876c.png]](
Tristinia, Tristinia, or should I call you Phoenix? How is it you were able to ascend with such ease?
Was it perhaps that phoenix feather you contracted Denath and his Dealmakers for?
All for the lowly price of freeing any Denathian witches that came into Aegis.
Your contract may have ended with your new body, but I'm sure the Hel-tainted feather in your system still remembers being crafted by the essence of black magic.
But while we're sharing sins why not continue?
Quote:![[Image: 83fab7a6148acd35e5f6d3847eb12d03.png]](
Sweet, sweet 'righteous' Fauste. I am so sorry we were never able to do business. I know how you wanted to cry so I could come see you.
I do hope you're doing well. I'm sure you've gone far since you clearly don't have the care to have a moral line.
Business with witches? Tsk tsk.
Now Na'Ria... Foolish Na'Ria. I have never hidden who I am. Did you not see my lovely interview with Akroma all those years ago where I professed to be Orphee's daughter?
The same interview our sweet Final Frontier director wished that my kind could be seen in a better light?
You're telling history I've already told, but please, enjoy your pedastal. You always did like to think yourself the most intelligent in the room when it was I who taught you about Ragnorak.
And for all of you who cast a stone clearly you cannot look upon yourselves.
Talguth, the demon that lurked beneath Skarnfel and made pillars of Necromancer Queens and held tight allies with the Fel for many years after embedding himself into Aphros.
Na'Ria, the Imperfect who caused the slaughter of thousands and thinks that some haphazard death that is nothing more than a nap equates to justice.
And now your 'redeemed' Goblin mistake, your admirable Phoenix, and your precious Unreality witch.
For who will cast the stones now? You're certainly undeserving.
I know what I am. I've accepted my nature long ago. I am Greed. and I am Ambition.
What are you truly?
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03-26-2024, 09:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2024, 09:23 PM by Titania.)
The Oracle's response is simple, concise, and delivered with a dagger through the page.
Quote:"Luciano is not 'redeemed'. He is dead. I killed him myself for his crimes of necromancy, and his deception of all around him. It just so happens he was more hateful of you than he was in love with his life."
"Do not think I have forgiven him for being a necromancer, a witch, and an active servant of darkness. He died for his crimes, for they were vast, numerous and unforgivable. I freed his soul to spit in the eye of his Patron and that his next life might hope to redeem itself for the crimes of this one, no more. He was dead the moment he entered my eyesight."
"And why don't you tell me where that Book is, then? Go ahead. Search your boxes. I'll wait."
"Tristinia-- This one is not one of mine. I leave this judgement to those of authority over her. It is conduct unfitting of a daughter of Ualdir."
"Fauste will be questioned on this topic. Thoroughly. I knew she was amoral. I did not know she was -this- amoral. I have my lines. That being said-- thank you for providing proof of my assertions! Because I distinctly recall that Fauste freed -Vokel-, before, as you have so kindly provided, writing to -you-. Now why would you have an interest in the rescue of a 'penitent witch'? I am so glad you have vouched for my testimony as towards the rotten nature of his character."
"Talguth, who has of his own volition provided us the information necessary to pursue your coven. Who aides, now, in acts of goodness far greater than any you could conceive of. Na'Ria, who was torn apart in the light of the Creator, reborne in divine flame, and who-- even with the Son of Ualdir at the end of her sword-- still could not bring herself to take his life, such is her newfound love for humanity in this new form."
"You are a scourge. A worthless pustule upon the face of reality. You are selfishness made manifest. I will end you, mark my words, for I am my father's daughter, and I am His blade upon Meranthe."
"When you die, it'll be with my hands around your neck. You will not get the mercy Lyseroth was afforded-- You will be struck down, torn out root and stem."
And with that message delivered? T'would seem the Oracle has made her will known.
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03-26-2024, 09:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2024, 09:28 PM by Harbor.)
Quote:"You speak. Say my people's Name, you call about my past, this island's past. Speaks about threats and dares to call my Sanctuary a Haven for Darkness. How brave of you, Oracle.
You speak about half-measures, excuses. Yet not me, nor my people have given you any.
You have never bothered to step a foot in my lands.
You claim an Righteousness that doesn't belong to you.
You wait for Sabathiel to die, to do this, to 'hunt witches', wasn't you, Ysayl, that said that there is bigger threats? Sak'noth, Xarses, Metta, the covens... Where are these words now? Where are the Crusades against the Fel now? With all 'your righteousness'. It's really funny because, I know he would've supported you. Witches must stop or be stopped. He would kill his own mother for these words.
But if you desire to disturb my grief for this, to lay the cards bare. Then so be it... I will let you know the truth. Oracle of Athelios.
Indeed. In the most Recent years I've learned about the selling of his soul, and through many came to know about his consume of Fantasia. Of the later, I came to work towards it, as my sister, Hina Lam, worked on the creation of a Cure.
However. How did Vokel come to be a warlock? He was but a child when it was done, that I also know, because He let meknow, in a way that would not end him for how dangerous was his contract, Ysayl. With no ally to defend him. A child sold for three Austereia by his own mother, to become just one more for a coven, a child that sough to be loved, became just a number, one more name in a book. By telling me, he proclaimed his goal to cleanse his soul and become free from this path. Since then, I've been teaching him in the ways of the Four. For That is what my Sanctuary was created for, to raise the Dragons, to help them follow a better path, to create something better, and to show that there is more than disgrace and pain within their Lives. And to ask me to surrender him to you, is ask to give up of this, to give up of my promises, to give up of what I believe in But you would know. In every sermon, every preaching I made.
I believe in redemption and in Redeem.
Through effort and through death.
Vokel, however, does not deserve death. A child betrayed by their own family doesn't deserve death.
Arlyss and Servant that were plotting against the world again and again, exchanging letter with Ulciel and unleached an old evil onto this world is deserving of redemption, of a second chance, you were willing to go to Hel for them, but Vokel is not deserving of that?
It's not impresive that I would wish to do the same for those I believe in. But I should not be surprised, only your own are worthy of redemption, isn't that right?"
"However I see the need to call forth your hypocrisy.
Na'ria did much worse, the attempts to destroy Aphros came from her, many died and suffered by her hands.
She refused an honorable death for the Warriors in the battlefield, dooming them to torment, to live in a world they did not wish to. And live a life where they feel incomplete. Not even a demon would do that, her own Kin said that, not even Lirael did that. Torturing them, and releasing them. It's cruel, sadistic.
And while I knew Vokel was a warlock, he fought for us, bled for us, contantly fighting warlocks and witches, demons and undeads, he wasn't hiding in Aegis or Dragon's Nest, he was seeking a path away from all this, he was seeking a path were he could be free, and yet to ask me to send him to death. A man who has hurt and hunted more witches and more of the fel than your Bastion.
But when Aegis was in war against Gloomlight, he attacked your people didn't he? He hurt some of you, as you hurt some of ours.
Now much more than that.
however, you accuse me of hidind him when there were attempts to make things clear... And if you wish a proof, here it is:"
A copy of a Letter is displayed in her announcement:
"Yet. An answer was not given, and the event happened even so.
Which, I must add, would have make all this clearer and a needless headache would not happpen."
"And Phoenix. You should stop with your lies. For you never came back to me, you never sought to know what I am doing to help Vokel, what I am willing to do to free one of my Drakan's souls, you spoke so much about helping him, and offering support, because of your past, but you are the first to point figers and accusations."
"So my declation remains. Whine about the name of my family, complain about the stained past, remind me of the mistakes of my blood.
But nothing, and I assure you. Nothing, will make me give to you those under my wings. Those that I protect and guide to a better path, for my word and Faith are with the Divines."
"However. I will give you a single warning. No threat to your land have came from my mouth, for I decide how things goes here.
We don't want that to change."
And finally, her speech seems to end.
But a decision is made clear:
Vokel Dawnseeker is under the Herald's wing, and his soul is to be retrieved.
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The Phoenix responds!
"Indeed. I then turned and spoke with members of the Aegis and informed them that there might be times that I would speak with them and ask for negotiations regarding captive witches. I remember the terms of the contract: I would speak with the Aegis and urge for negotiation and the release of captives, for ransoms to be paid. But I would not be held accountable for the decisions made of the Aegis if they chose to go against my requests. You see... I knew the vile nature of you and the deals you paid. Or, rather, she did. She knew of her upcoming death. The likely loss of her memories. She made the deal knowing that she would never have to pay...
Or that if she did? She would certainly urge negotiations and ransoms, as she was bid. But that those that she trained would see the light and choose not to listen to her. If anything, her failing was in her belief that the Aegis would never tolerate holding a witch in their captivity.
Apparently she was quite wrong.
Regardless, the feather cost Tristinia Djulkorren her life, as it was meant to. The Phoenix lives, yes. Born from her sacrifice, and her usage of a contract that she outplayed you on."
The synthetic seems to take no further interests in the missives going back and forth.
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(I'm not sure why this has become multiple public letters. There's no way to respond, or go back and forth, or for any majority to see the message in the first place, because characters have no means of reading this in a fluid manner. It's not like the messages would magically be posted in every city. Please follow the guidelines for IC threads. It's for announcements, not public letters/communication. The original announcement is fine and good; the responses are unnecessary and can be considered OOC. Thank you!!)