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A World of Pure Imagination~
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A letter sent off to many sharing her deepest thoughts...

"They don't know it yet! I can tell! Look how amazing they are in all that they do!"

"Look at all that you've done, look how much fun you've had, yeah you!"

"You're beautiful, you're an amazing person and I cherish you so much, take my hand!"

"I'll always be there by your side, let's make a castle... and build it out of sand!"

"I feel so happy, when I'm around anyone... It's like we're in a world of Daydream without limits... I love to be free."

"So without further a due... I want to say... Come with me~"

"And show me your World of Pure Imagination."

Love, Fantasy P. Kasca, your new loving friend. 2108AC[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: unCVmvz.jpg]

Quote:"You, rest inside my mind. Since the day you came, I knew you would be with me"
"All the time we spent..."
"What we shared was surely warm enough to know you cared for me."
"Light, floods through memories..."
"Helps me walk my path, I'll keep my head up high."
"Words of Faith and Love..."
"Your strength gives me hope. Someday I'll find you with open arms."
"To thank the very Gods above that watch over us all. The very Angels as our guardians..."
"Thanks for all those wonderous memories."
"Thank you for everything."
"The sun across my bedroom floor, daydreams from the night before..."
"Thank you for everything."
"Those days came and went... Now we're so far from were we've been."
"But in my head?"
"We're dancing in the Light again!"
"Time may pass but it can't take away... All these golden moments, never fade."
"Thanks for all the memories."

"You've taught me so much, growing up and even now. Where you guide my light. I'll return that same beacon to those around me without a single moment of hesitation.... I'm thankful for all the people I've met now."

Honorable Mentions and Cherished Memories.

Vincent, you may be a mean person. However, you're surrounded by some of the most kindest people I've met. Be good to them. Know I'll always try and help if I can.

Iaoel, I overheard you talking about what you know you're meant to do. You already have such a blessing by your side. Toto is by far the most precious thing. Show the world how amazing they are. With you guiding their light.

William, the beauty in that which you make. It's no wonder the blessings above are watching over you. I can't hug you enough for the warmth you give to those around you. Never change, please.

Raian, I love all that you've taught me. All that you've done for me. All that you expressed I should strive for and the inspiration you give my siblings and myself. I know my parents appreciate you. Though, I want to just say that I cherish our time together. Even if it's short and you're always busy.

Mikoto, You let me share something that made me happy with you. I can only hope it's done the same for you as it has me. It came out really nice. One day, I hope I can look back on that day and give you a hug as someone you can count on to help you. I'm thankful you took time out of your busy day to speak with me.

Carnation, we've only spoken briefly but at least with the people I see you surround yourself with. It's no wonder my Dad spoke well of you and why my brother wishes to talk to you. I appreciate the person you are and what others around you seem to see.

Garret, I was told to call you an Uncle. On top of this you seemed so caring and allowed me and my siblings to share so many things with you given how busy your job must be. You're a wonderful person. It's no wonder you're in the position that you've found yourself in. I hope to be dedicated in the same way when I'm older to a good cause.

And finally,

"I love you Dad, Mom."

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: PyG0BIw.jpg]
Honorable Mentions and Cherished Memories.

Miyuhiko, you helped my brother ignite a deeper passion for not just protecting his family, but being a true individual for himself. You're an inspiration to those around you. Mitsuhime is lucky to have you as a older brother.

Frivida, I love the sticker you gave me. It's a symbol of our friendship I think. I can't wait to look back on it when we're older and laugh at how we met. I hope you'll still be the same. I can't think of anyone who can shine as bright. I cherish you for this.

Hitomi, quiet, serious, dedicated and true to yourself. I look at you in admiration. Only a few years older than me and paving the way for how we as kids should strive to be. Absorbing knowledge from those who have so much to share with us. We don't talk much, but your actions far speak louder than your words. Stay the same, please.

Christophore, you're perhaps one of the genuine people I could ever hope to call friend. You look out for me. You care about people. You stick to your truths and work hard. I hope those around you see how amazing you can be just like what I know you can be also. Thanks for being my friend.

Levi, dedicated, seems like such a young soldier that trains under my dad and whomever else tirelessly. You're strong. An amazing friend and have a good heart. I can see why my sister sticks around you so much. Take care of her please.

Margot, a wonderful person. A great business-teen and really strong! Even if she's sick. People better watch out! Though, the most precious thing to me about you. You seem to prioritize helping others over yourself. It's one of the few things I know in myself that I've seen in you.

People of Dal'Thala, I visit here from time to time and see all kinds of people and happenings going on. I even saw a man who for some reason each time I go there he seems to look different and fancy! Though I think that's one of the greatest things about that place. The people are always so kind and willing to help you. Truly a place to cherish and keep safe. Thank you for that.

People of Gloomlight, Phaedra had said that learning about both aspects, both sides and coming to the true realization of what is and isn't will enlighten you to the greatest point of oneself. I used to think seeing something, would be the end of it. The people there will show you that not all is what it seems and they hold one of the most intricate woven places that I could ever dream of. If you have an open mind to both Light and Dark, you'll find true balance in all things within their guidance.

"My eyes are opened."

"The understanding of things in it's purest form, you must be willing to delve into the unknown fearlessly to achieve greatness. Look at all those around us. Their achievements, the knowledge and the absolution they exude by simply gracing those around with their presence. Not with pride, but with a humble and kind demeanor so all those around them may relate and learn in their guidance. This, is the world we live in..."

"Share your dream, your fantasy with me and those around you. I'm sure you may not know it. But we cherish the time and effort you've put in."

"Even now, I look up above and feel something watching over me. My hand rises up to grasp at nothing. Yet somehow, I feel a warm embrace..."

"Haha, I think I was daydreaming again... I'm sorry. I love you, Mom and Dad. Thank you, as always."

-Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: priiZ2I.jpg]
"There are so many of you I've seen and met. Some I haven't met or seen and I'm sorry for that. I need to travel more... I'm trying to!"

"Some of you are really nice. Not everyone is nice, I understand that."

"Even the people who I've been told are bad are willing to let kids go because they don't want to hurt us. Is that person really bad?"

"Then when we attack them, get hurt... is it really their fault? I'll apologize, even if I know I have to fight... them hurting me as a result isn't on them."

"I'm the reason I got hurt fighting for something I believe is the right thing to do. If I don't try and stop them, they hurt someone else?"

"Then again, I'm just a kid. Who am I to try and fight all these strong people... and Demons. Maybe I should focus on my studies.."

"I'm getting really good at learning Wayfinding... Hopefully I'll learn it soon. I'm thirteen now. So Raian said I had to develop my mana more."

"All my friends get injured and my only way to help is by healing them. I don't think I'm a fighter yet... I'm not sure I will be."

"As my mother told me though... There is a reason. I'll figure that out."

"I also got really angry once... when something hurt Levi. I don't like that feeling. I'll try to avoid it always now... It feels wrong."

"For now, I need to keep going around and learning more from people. I think I'm really good at learning stuff."

"I got this really neat cloud... Frivida is also a healer! She helped me out a lot when I was lost."

"Chris is really good at relaxing, we relaxed for a loooong time and talked about all the crazy things going on. Though he's getting old..."
P.S - He's only eighteen!

"William was really sad about his sheep... I'm sorry that happened."

"I gave Zeek a banana the other day, he seemed really happy about it. That's good!"

"Oh, I have a nice melody I hum when healing people too, I think it's nice. Here you go!"

Let your pain, Fly away, Fly away...
Into a dream, you'll be safe and free for another day...
All that ails you let it be mended to ease such now...
You're cherished in my heart, let me make you this vow...

"Hope you liked it!"

"As always, love you Mom and Dad!"

Thus, wandering off with a sound mind, she hums along the way while riding upon a cloud. Seemingly adorned now by a gear floating above her head similar to a Halo. Eager to meet more people now and learn more about the world. So much to see, so much to learn. So many people to meet. I hope you join my daydreams and memories too. Looking forward to meeting you!

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: 2fXzxF6.jpg]
"I'll miss you..."

"You were a good person, even if others saw the worst in you."

"You tried and did things your own way, which wasn't the right way, but you were a good person."

"You didn't kill anyone, you shared what you knew with others and treated me like family... You were a good person."

"You were not a Demon or Fel nature like what my parents said were irredeemable. It's so unfair, they took you away... you were a good person."

"You looked at me in that moment and told me... It's fine. You were fine with them killing you... I keep hearing you deserved to be killed..."

"If people can clean Demons out and make them good, they could have tried to do more... You were a good person."

"Maybe if it was someone they actually cared about, they would show their true self... People are so selfish."

"I'll miss you Raian... You were a good person."

"I'll keep our memories in my dreams. We'll go through all those portals and I can show you how far I've come. I won't let you down... Promise."

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: nmTC2pa.jpg]

Quote:"I will do all that I can if able, even at the cost of giving up everything for them. To see anyone fall when I could have did something to prevent it."

"To know that with everyone of them removed, that some semblance of peace will be restored. People can feel safe walking outside in the forests to know that one less threat is there stalking their every move. When I could have did something to prevent it"

"To follow my reason, my path, in this life she blessed me with, the chance to make a difference not for myself. But for them. If I am able..."

She sighed, then he pointed to her heart.

"Ever since I saw Chris fall, to save him. I knew then I could help. I have to. Even if my body won't respond. I have to. Even if I'm old or young, I have to. I cherish all of them, I care for everything that I've seen. All those people, those memories, everything that they are, everything that they can be. I have to protect that. I won't let my body be the reason I could have did something to prevent the harm or worse, death of someone I care for."

"Can you understand that?"

"I heard someone tell me a Wolf I released, captured two people... That same person, I was told in that moment had fallen fighting them. My mother has told me I must make hard choices in my life. This perhaps had been one of those moments where I made that same choice again, to let something that will do nothing but bring harm to those around me and potentially kill them. I made that choice knowing the possible outcome, that it may decide someone else's fate..."

"One who fights for the good of the world. As the other fights for the darker aspect of it...."

"I can never feel the way I did before, to be... naive to what occurs around me. I had tried healing them. To be told I was food. I had tried being kind and talking to them to be told their way of life is to Hunt. I cannot with a sound mind make that choice again knowing such a thing will just go out of their way to continue harming innocent people for the sake of simply Hunting. It's not right..."

"I will say sorry now for those who may have lost someone they cherished, if it comes to that. I can only ask..."

"If something is left to persist and became the reason many more are hurt or killed... if it can be prevented with a single choice."

"Can you understand that...?"

"Then I am sorry, I ask that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. It is a choice I never wish to make if I can avoid it."

"To remain silent and show reverence, I won't smile again when the weight of lives hang in the balance. My eyes are opened."

"There is a reason..."

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: 371Sug8.jpg]
"I feel as though I'm falling..."

"Endlessly... as I fade away into those endless dreams..."

"As if being born again in birth by sleep do I see everyone around me once more..."

"Your smiles, your hope, and finally how amazing you all are... From Raian, to Cryus and so many more in passing. I'll miss you all and wish I could've done more... Made some kind of difference so that you're with us again. That pain... to be in such a position. To see it over, and over. To be the one to do such even to that which has been told to me deserves it...  For all the gods that reside above, may you look upon those whom worship you and show at least them, your love."

"Yet, why do I feel as if I'm falling so deeply into a dream..."

"My hand always reaches toward the sky, I can't open my eyes knowing what I'm trying to grasp onto..."

"I wish that with each time I peer above, I'm given an answer. As if prayers that hold meaning in reverence will guide me..."

"To help, to truly help... Am I doing the right thing...?"

"I feel as though I'm falling..."

"Can you save me? Please..."

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
"There is always a point and time where I feel confused, uncertain... afraid."
"I was told Humans need to learn fear again..."
"That moment I saw someone fall, I was too weak to protect them."
"I have so much more to learn. Yet now, I lay down at night and hear nothing but screams of those who I failed."
"I want to learn from those older than me. I want to be strong enough to help them."
"I'm slowly fading away. Yet, I will find my place again and begin anew."
"Let my dreams even now filled with these screams be my guidance to my genesis."
"I'm slowly getting older and learning more, I've still so much to do. I can't let this halt my faith."
"I hope you can forgive me, all those whom I failed."
"Next time as I wake up from this dream in the clouds, I'll be sure to make things right. Promise."
- Fantasy P. Kasca

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Quote:"I feel like I've been asleep for so long..."

"I'm not sure if I can say how long all those days have been while I've been daydreaming."

"Yet now I'm awake. Among the clouds, I see a new horizon."

"Even now, I wonder if they know I cherish them all."

"It's time to remind them. I am awake again."

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: zkHZuiV.jpg]
Quote:"It's all coming together now, I'm getting older... and things are becoming clear."

"I hope you're waiting for me still, I haven't forgotten you."

"I understand so much more now... what I need to do, what I have not done."

"So many people have shared their stories since then... I still wish you were here to see it all."

"I'll smile for the both of us. I promise."

"Even now, I say this with my head held high... Thank you, for all the memories. I miss you."

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]

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