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The Way of Chi - Tutelage
[Image: 3fec480d0638b80019d86e1cb66f6402.jpg]

The Last Student of Piers makes a motion to reignite a form brought to the land by the Saint of Fists

"Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, Life and Death, Protection and Destruction, Order and Chaos, Holy and Occult."

"The concept of Duality is something that is not new, the foundation of the realm is brough together by a balance of these forces that allow for the fostering of life. As the Light shines bright, the shadows loom where the light cannot touch. As Villains and monsters arise from the depths, Heros and saviors immerge to smite them. This delicate dance is an intrinsic and necessary part of the history and sustainability of Eternia as a whole. That principle is fractalized in every aspect of life as we move forward with our stories, all coalescing to create the grand story of Eternia. That aspect of balance, is the principle of Chi, to tap into the most primal of emotions, allowing it to resonate with our spirit and condense into a force of Vitality. To harness Chi, is to connect with the soul of life, the emotions that are carried through each lifeform that struggles and thrives in the great land of Meranthe. Piers, believed that this force, was the resonance of pure energy, the power of Ether condensed and balance with the essence of Yin and Yang, Protection and Destruction."

"I believe...there is more, so much more to the power of Chi, so much in fact that the utilization of this sacred force is the key to the question of truly harnessing the maximum potential of one's self. The power of Chi allows your mind and sprit to reach a level of clarity that allows one to see the world as it truly is. The move about the land, connecting with the sprits, with the fauna, the plants, and everything in between."

"Chi is the first step towards the seat of enlightenment and I believe..."

"The Ultimate Key Towards Life Itself."

"Seek me out, Two of you, two of you who wish to explore this mysterious aspect of potential as we discover the nature of Life in its most potent form. The process of mastering the art of Chi is not easy, and while the exploration seems fanciful, it will require and unyielding amount of patience and perseverance.  For those truly aligned with the power of Ether and or the Lifestream....find me in the Frontier, but be warned, merely speaking to me is not enough to be taken on, purpose is what drives our stories, what is your?"
Akroma P. Kasca

[Send a Letter to Akroma P. Kasca for learning the art of Chi to anyone that is Ether Aligned! Two students will be taken on, one Melee (armed or unarmed) and one Mage]
(Discord me at Friendliest)


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