MalekDis - Devil's Paradise
[Image: Dis.png?ex=659d3af2&is=658ac5f2&hm=14599...height=662]
Atop a vertebrae of Moros, within a deep pocket of Hel, a paradise lost.
A realm built atop the cadaver of chaos, and despair. Far from a desired destination for those not already in service to the Fel, yet surprisingly? It is also home to a hub of trade that attracts the powerful from far and wide. Within an isolated pocket, the realm had been shifted through the application of Civilization Magic into a city of law and trade. Though the domain of a Nethradin, though home to many demons, though it pays tribute to the Marquis?

Even enemies of Helheim are free to visit and peruse. Many do. Why wouldn't they? Under the protection of Law Magic, unlawful assault results in grievous consequences for even the strongest. This goes both ways.

This is the city of Dis, Civilization taken to all of its extremes.
Pater of Dis: The city of Dis is ruled by the Pater, a title that has so far only been held by the Nethradin that had brought the place into existence. This Nethradin refers to itself as Asmodai, impartial arbiter of Law and the keeper of the Civilization. The name Asmodai has first appeared in texts over a century old, mainly centered around Esshar. Some revered the figure as a deity that brought Law Magic into the hands of humanity, others declare what it was revealed to be- a lie by the supreme warlock of an emerging coven. However the story goes, this mysterious figure maintains a hold on entries into the land through contract invitations that allow even mortals and spirits to stop by without fear- as long as they are aware of the extent of their rights.

Asmodai is an enigmatic figure for many reasons. It's said they regularly must pay tribute to multiple Marquis- appeasing some to protect Dis from the ire of others, their patronage swapping hands often. Supposedly, it is incredibly rare to meet with them in any circumstances besides when they preside over trials of Law Magic contracts. More often than not, their word is delivered through a human dignitary by the name of Creon.

Infernal Dealings: Dis is an impressive place of business among the realms, for as long as people have something to offer? They are welcome, however- it is only for as long as they have something to offer. Artefacts, knowledge, people, and souls trade hands constantly within the marketplace. Many seek the offices of law for assistance in severing their contracts with Hel- a feat they are capable of, though typically the affair is pricey enough that more souls are offered than freed. Many come to Dis to trade, even those that are anathema to the realm are allowed in. Spirits from Athelios' Citadel Upon The Edge are repeat customers, occasionally buying tactical information on powerful demons and Nethradin to ambush- and mystical artefacts for their cause.

The Devils of Dis: Any can work, visit, and do business within Dis as long as they can afford it. There are some that simply settle there- riftmancers, liches, vampire lords of old... for the land is a hotbed of vices and indulgence for all those that can pay the price, and avoid the rampant treachery. One way to secure good standing and some sense of security within the city is to join its forces. Though it comes with the toll of being bound by law, typically being transformed into a cambion for those eligible- but it is not the worst fate within Helheim. Those in service to the city of Dis refer to themselves as devils. An incredibly slight distinction... but it serves to make clear these forces of Helheim are an ally to the self-interested, above all else.

Cambions, Demons, Nethradin, and even mortal allies of Dis attempt to distance themselves from the common conceptions of the Fel. The city of greed holds hope and fairness as its favored lure. 
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