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Gloomy Goblin Spiritmancy Lessons
[Image: 8367a9fee3e1028cd8a37f36e381be88.jpg]

A series of notices and flyers are spread about message boards all over Meranthe, a certainly goblin knight and retainer finally caving in and posting a notice of a general intro to Spiritmancy class, to be hosted within the walls of Gloomlight. One would perhaps notice the stationary it was printed on bore the seal of House Montelione.

Quote:So. It's come to this.

Apologies if that smacks a little dramatic, I'm simply a little surprised we've reached this point- maybe dreading it a little too. I've never considered myself one who advanced in their field as to have much right teaching, but a lot of folks have approached me asking me questions about Spiritmancy and how to learn it, and so I suppose this has become necessary. Not just to get them all in one place, but to potentially have this reach the ears of anyone else interested in the world behind the veil.

So- just to lay out some expectations here. 

This will be a general intro class and will cover the basics of Spiritmancy and Spirits themselves as they relate to our world. There will be a little bit of discussion as to the various realms within it, but they will not be the focus for this lesson. This lesson will more be about how Spiritmancy affects our world and what it can do, as well as the types of entities one might encounter as a Spiritmancer, and of course- how to actually go about training yourself.

Exciting, isn't it? The few people I've taught so far I've generally tried to leave with a method of developing their skills on their own time, so you won't need to feel like you're chained to me for lessons if you want to improve.

Depending on how this first class goes there may be more, though of course feel free to contact me via letter or in person should you have any additional clarifying questions or an interest in further training. And, this should go without saying, but while students from those we are currently at war with are welcome, I would ask that we all be on our best behavior and that you can feel safe within our walls. However, should you not feel comfortable with the locale- there may be potential for a make up lesson in a more neutral locale. Write to me if you have interest in this class, but don't feel comfortable within Gloomlight, and I will see if maybe something is possible.

~Tecuani of Western Winds.
Retainer of House Montelion and Knight of the Bastion.

[Image: hodor-vs-earth-elementals-732a5236.webp]
The Sanctioners' audacious maneuver involving Rattletooth, summoning thousands of undead, instigated a disruptive upheaval within the elemental spirit tethered to the sacred soils of Marty's vigil. Despite the disruption of the ritual, the subsequent onslaught of the prior famines and plagues has taken a toll on numerous elementals, exacerbating the harm inflicted upon them. But, in removing the taint from the Vigils elemental, Aislinn hopes to undo some of the damage done to the soils.

Those who are learning, and are capable of helping the essences of the dead pass on, are encouraged to attend and assist as well.

Flyers are spread and spirits begin to whisper. Soils rumble and the like, spreading the news far and wide that a followup, hands on class, is occurring.
Quote:Hello, friends.

It seems there are many interested in the spirits, as of late. This is a good thing, no?

While many find interest in the essences left behind, and the spirits of the divine, my lesson will be centered around the elementals.

They are the spirits that maintain the volcanoes, the lands, the waters, and the skies. Without them, you'd have no world to enjoy, destroy, or save!

If you'd like to learn more about them, establish a deeper connection to one of the many realms where the elementals thrive, or are simply curious on how to pay tribute to the spirits in general.

You are more than welcome to arrive, and learn.

Be warned, we will be dealing with a corrupted elemental. Those afraid of a little blood are encouraged to stay at the back of the class.

-Aislinn, Seer of Terraheim
Friday (1/26/24) 6pm est @ Martyr's Vigil

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